Friday, March 20, 2020

Melania Trump PSA: This is not how we’ll live forever

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:30 PM PT — Thursday, March 19, 2020
First Lady Melania Trump is attempting to quell Americans’ fears as efforts continue to stop the spread of coronavirus. She took to Twitter on Thursday to release a new public service announcement, which addressed concerns over the pandemic.
She reminded people that the current situation is only temporary and that aspects of daily life, like going to work, school and church, will resume.
The first lady encouraged people to stay connected to friends and family, while also taking the necessary steps to ensure the health and safety of those around them.
“Please be sure to follow CDC guidelines, which can be found at or, along with other information and resources,” she said. “Stay safe, and remember, while many of us are apart, we are all in this together.
 The first lady’s message came a day after the White House announced a public awareness campaign, in partnership with the media, to educate the public on the virus.

Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic has pushed many people to hoard items like groceries, toilet paper and cleaning products. However, some citizens have made the extra effort to look out for each other.
Nursing homes across the country have mostly halted visitation amid fears of spreading the virus to the most vulnerable. One man decided to hand out rolls of free toilet paper to those who were unable to snag their own.
“A lot of people out there is hoarding this stuff, but here’s the problem with that: If you take all these supplies from people,…then the people who do need it is gonna get infected,” said David Carpenter.
These acts of kindness and humor come as the outbreak has had devastated businesses, schools nursing homes and individuals across the U.S.