Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Joe Biden tells Detroit worker he’s ‘full of s–t’ during argument over guns

 Image result for picture of joe biden arguing with a detroit auto worker
Article by Mark Moore in the "New York Post":

Former Vice President Joe Biden got into a heated argument with a worker during a tour of an auto plant under construction in Detroit on Tuesday, at one point telling the hard hat-wearing man he was “full of s–t” and calling him a “horse’s a–.”

Biden, the front-running Democratic presidential candidate, was making his way through a crowd when the construction worker asked him if he was “actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns.”

“You’re full of s–t,” Biden shot back.

“I support the Second Amendment,” Biden continued. “The Second Amendment, just like right now if you yell fire, that’s not free speech. From the very beginning, I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, 12-gauge, my sons hunt. … I’m not taking your gun away at all. ”

The guy confronts him, claiming a video shows Biden saying he would take people’s guns away as did former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke, a one-time presidential candidate who last week endorsed Biden.

“I did not say that. That’s not true. I did not say that,” the former veep said.

“It’s a viral video,” the guy said.

“It’s a viral video like the others one they’re putting out that’s simply a lie,” Biden replied.

But the worker insisted that it was Biden’s voice in the video.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, we’ll take your AR-14s away,” Biden told him.

“This is not ok,” the worker replied.

“Don’t try me, pal,” Biden shot back. “Do you want to go outside?”

“You’re working for me, man.”

“I’m not working,” Biden said. “Give me a break, man, don’t be such a horse’s a–.”

As a senator from Delaware, Biden voted in favor of the 10-year Federal Assault Weapons Ban in 1994.

As a presidential candidate, Biden said he favors reinstating the assault weapons ban, universal background checks and a gun buyback program.

Biden has often gotten into heated disputes on the campaign trail.
For example, he called a college student a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” in February when she asked him about his fourth-place finish in the Iowa caucuses.

Biden dressed down a man in Iowa in December who asked him about his son Hunter’s work in Ukraine for an energy company and whether the younger Biden was benefitting from his dad being vice president.

You’re a damn liar, man. That’s not true. And no one has ever said that,” Biden told the man.
