Sunday, March 22, 2020

Hillary Rodham ChiCom

The same dumb broad who claimed she wanted to be our “Champion” is parroting ChiCom propaganda and getting gobs of praise from the regime that got us in this mess.

Congratulations, Hillary!  You’ve become the Tokyo Rose of the 21st Century.  Be proud.  From here on out, I will call you Hillary Rodham ChiCom.

I hope you’re happy.

Quite a number of American pundits and politicians have been parroting ChiCom talking points, there’s no doubt.

But to have the former Secretary of State and 2016 Democrat nominee getting praised by the CCP for playing the role of Propaganda Stooge is downright chilling.

Hillary Rodham ChiCom jumped aboard the “Calling it the Chinese Virus is RACIST!!!” bandwagon.  And, boy is the Chinese Government happy about it.

It isn’t as if we needed another example of how we dodged a bullet in 2016.

Honestly, I have never been so grateful that Hillary Rodham ChiCom wasn’t around burping out enemy propaganda during World War Two.

Then again, at least back then we could’ve put this horrible woman in jail.

Yes, I know.  She’s not the only one doing it. The ChiCom propaganda is all over the place – most notably in our news media.

But with Hillary Rodham ChiCom, it isn’t even subtle.

Let’s do a compare and contrast.

This is the ChiCom’s official news service:

And here again is the tweet from Hillary Rodham ChiCom:

“Don’t fall for it” says the woman who is falling for ChiCom propaganda.

Not much difference is there? In fact, it’s almost as if Hillary Rodham ChiCom is taking her talking points directly from the Chinese Communist Party.

No wonder the ChiComs are praising this disgusting, anti-American hag.

Now, I get it.

The Clintons got a boatload of cash from China when they were in the White House. In fact, the ChiComs illegally funneled a ton of money into Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection campaign.

Naturally Hillary Rodham ChiCom would take the Chinese Government’s side.  She always goes to bat for the people who pad her bank account.

But Americans are being forced to stay in their homes.  Tens of thousands are losing their jobs.  Our economy is crumbling.  American citizens are getting battered.

And this wretched woman — the same dumb broad who claimed she wanted to be our “Champion” — is parroting ChiCom propaganda and getting gobs of praise from the regime that got us here.

I said the other day that our enemies know our weaknesses.  And the ChiComs are most definitely exploiting them for their own purposes.

What sickens me is how eager the news media and vile shit-stains like Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Rodham ChiCom are to help our enemy succeed.

The fact that someone who fancies herself “presidential” material is incapable of resisting the siren song of foreign propaganda isn’t just infuriating.

It’s downright treasonous.