Friday, March 20, 2020

Former Obamacare Official Spreads Panic on MSNBC Demands All Masks Sent to New York City

As you watch this, you start to realize the national panic hasn’t yet really sunk in.  However, think carefully about the instability of Mr. Slavitt and how he expresses it.

Former Obamacare official Andy Slavitt appears on MSNBC in a state of panic to demand that all medical masks and equipment throughout the nation be sent to New York City; while accusing other states, including Texas, of “hoarding” critical healthcare supplies.

Former FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate recognizes that participating in any discussion with this level of emotional panic is not going to be helpful, he walks off set. WATCH:

Panicked NYC resident and visibly unstable former ACA official Andy Slavitt, is talking about medical equipment when he demands all masks and supplies be redirected to New York with a sense of urgency.  However, imagine *if* the shortage *was* food. Prepare yourselves and your family accordingly.