Thursday, March 12, 2020

Democrats Are Vile Pieces of Shit

Ok, I heard President Trump's address last night, then I heard Biden and Bernie's addresses. Have to say I felt better about Trump's than the two fool Democrats.

Biden babbled about the Scientists, what does he think Trump/Pence's team consists of?  Biden said nothing of substance and left me with the impression he as just an old man parroting a script.

Bernie told me he would nationalize everything and give everyone everything for free. What a laughable presentation.

Finally, all we see is the Democrats complaining and whining.

The point I hear is the Democrats want everyone tested immediately! Insanity.

I called my family physician today and asked him if I should get tested. Know what he said?

1. Are you showing the following symptoms:
  a. Fever
  b. Pain in you neck or joints?
  c. Extreme tiredness?

2.When I said no, he said I don't recommend a test then. 

I wonder do these idiot Democrats really want 327 million Americans all rushing to their family physician or the Emergency Room demanding a Coronavirus test immediately?

How fucking stupid and evil are these Liberals?

They are breeding needless panic.