Wednesday, March 11, 2020

CNN Cancels Audience and Media Attendance For Sanders -v- Biden Debate – Clyburn Says Cancel All Joe Biden Debates Now

As Joe Biden continues to exhibit serious cognitive issues, and questions about his mental impairments increase following a disturbing incident yesterday with an auto-worker in Michigan, the DNC and CNN have now coordinated to cancel audience attendance for the tenuously scheduled March 15th debate between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.

Additionally, CNN is now stopping all media from attending the Arizona debate; and this comes on the heels of the DNC requesting a seated format with a desk for the 77-year-old candidate.

(CNN) – With the coronavirus pandemic sweeping across the nation, Democrats announced Tuesday that the CNN-Univision Democratic presidential debate set for this weekend will be held without an audience.
[…] “DNC has been in regular communication with local health officials and the Mayor’s office, which advised that we could proceed as planned,” DNC Communications Director Xochitl Hinojosa said in a statement. “Nevertheless, our number one priority has and will continue to be the safety of our staff, campaigns, Arizonans and all those involved in the debate. We will continue to remain in daily contact with all stakeholders through Sunday.”
CNN officials agreed with the decision and noted that there would also be no press filing center or spin room at the debate. (more)

There is no doubt the DNC is apoplectic at the rapid and very visible decline of their leading candidate for president.  However, along with that no-one seriously thinks that Biden is making the decisions any longer.  Joe Biden now presents himself as a puppet for the party control agents who are scripting everything.

Influential black caucus leader Jim Clyburn stepped in prior to the South Carolina election and said he was going to endorse Joe Biden while also announcing his intention to take control over how the campaign functioned. Joe Biden’s team accepted Clyburn’s terms.

Now Clyburn is telling the DNC to immediately stop all debates and protect Biden.

Either CNN is going to have a heavily manipulated debate with taped-delays, leaked questions and a framework of total control to protect Joe Biden…. or they’ll cancel it.

Either way the normal purposes, intents and reasons to hold a debate are null and void.
A remarkable, and transparently obvious, turn-of-events; even for Democrats.