Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Vindman twins get sent packing

And don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.

After hearing buzz all day Friday that the White House was considering sending the Vindman twins packing, it finally happened that afternoon.

And let me just say, two down, many more to go.

See this is what I was hoping for — that the White House would start purging these insubordinate leakers.  And canning the Vindman twins is what I call a good start.

Naturally all the people who treat the tubby little Lt. Col. like the next Audy Murphy are inconsolable in their outrage.

The White House has no right to fire him!! He’s a PATRIOT!!! 
He got a purple heart!! How dare you!!!

The Vindman twins get sent packing

They haven’t loved a man in uniform this much since Bradley Manning.
Okay, maybe Bowe Bergdahl is a close second.

I’m glad Trump got a twofer out of this and sent both Vindman twins on their way.  The scuttlebutt is that the other Vindman – the one who didn’t testify in Adam Schiff’s shampeachment hearings – might be the person within the NSC who leaked information about John Bolton’s manuscript that ended up in the New York Times..

I don’t know if that’s true or not.  But he certainly was in the position to have possession of it.

And since the Vindman boys are twins, maybe he shares more than his brother’s DNA.  Maybe he also shares his brother’s love of leaking stuff in hopes of getting the boss impeached.

I don’t know if anyone got footage of the Vindman twins departing. That would have been sweet to see — the two of them each holding a banker’s box with their belongings glumly heading to their car.

Do you think Alex was able to keep his red stapler?

one of the Vindman Twins and his red stapler.

All I can say is good riddance.

Now, keep it going Mr. President.

Like I earlier, I hope President Trump goes scorched earth and gets rid of every single one of these venomous, backstabbing bastards.