Monday, February 10, 2020

Prosecutors Recommend a Huge Sentence for Roger Stone and Their Reason Is Garbage

 Prosecutors Recommend a Huge Sentence for Roger Stone and Their Reason Is Garbage

 Article by Bonchie in "RedState":

Let me preface this article by saying I’m not here to provide a litany of reasons why Roger Stone isn’t guilty or is actually an upstanding citizen. This guy is pretty clearly a crook and clown in much the same mold as Michael Cohen.

He decided to be a moron and pretty obviously lied to the FBI. As has been made clear the last three years, if you chose to do that, they will nail you if you have ever even used the same bathroom as Donald Trump. The witness tampering charges were also much of Stone’s own doing, as he refused to follow sound legal advice and kept running his mouth like a cheap mafioso.

With that said, the sentence that is being recommended for his convictions is insane. Prosecutors want to give 9 years to a 67 year old man for a couple of process crimes.

Federal prosecutors in Washington, D.C., on Monday recommended that longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone serve up to nine years in prison following his conviction on false statements and witness tampering charges related to the Russia investigation.
In their court filing, prosecutors asserted that Stone deserved the multi-year sentence because “[f]oreign election interference is the ‘most deadly adversar[y] of republican government.’”

Yeah, well except Stone didn’t engage in “foreign election interference,” nor is that what his convictions center on. Yet, the government is using that as a reason to push his sentence in the purely absurd.

But despite linking Stone to foreign election meddling, the 67-year-old Republican political operative was never charged with working with Russia to influence the 2016 election…
…Despite Democrats’ and the special counsel’s initial suspicions that Stone conspired with Russia or WikiLeaks, investigators found no evidence that the Trump associate had direct contact with anyone involved in stealing or disseminating Democrats’ emails.

This is just politics run amok. There’s no reason to be recommending a nearly decade long sentence for an old man who didn’t even commit the crimes he was originally suspected of. You can think Stone is a crook and this still make no sense.

If this judge has an ounce of integrity, he’ll scoff at the prosecutions citing of “election interference” and not humor this nonsense. If the government had the goods on Stone working with the Russians, they should have shown that in their prosecution. They didn’t and they shouldn’t be allowed to pretend they did.

And on a broader topic, this isn’t just a Roger Stone issue. This is an issue with our criminal justice system. No one committing a process crime should be given 9 years in prison, if for no other reason that it’s an idiotic use of public resources. We keep far too many people behind bars for far too long over non-violent crimes. Meanwhile, violent criminals in places like San Francisco and New York can shuffle through dozens of arrests with no repercussions. The system is broken and needs fixing. Prosecutors have too much ability to destroy the lives of those they target.