Sunday, February 9, 2020

More Robotic than Hillary

Even when giving separate interviews within minutes of each other, Elizabeth Warren gives the exact same lengthy preprogrammed response.

I never thought I’d say this, but I found someone more robotic than Hillary Clinton.

And that really surprises me.  Because I hammered the hell out of Hillary back in 2016 for being the most robotic candidate in the history of the universe.  I even did a Wildly Inaccurate Dianny News Service report about the Hillary-bot malfunctioning.

But last night, Elizabeth Warren topped her.

Take a look at this side-by-side video of robotic Liz giving identical answers during two different spin-room interviews after last night’s debate:

Holy smokes.  Can you believe that? Even Cylons are less robotic than Liz Warren.

That’s not just inauthenticity; that’s flat-out Stepford.

It’s one thing to give the same stump speech time and time again to different audiences.  It’s quite another to give the same memorized response to two different reporters during the exact same event.

This kind of robotic, automaton response is just, well, creepy.

Clearly Liz Warren has absolutely zero confidence in her own abilities if she has to store pre-written interview answers in her databanks.

Nothing about her is authentic.  Not one thing.

And given how she is floundering in the polls, I’m thinking even Democrat voters know what a robotic fake she is.