Thursday, February 13, 2020

Do Democrats Like The Taste Of Losing Or The Feeling Of Outrage

Tide Pod Pelosi has come to the microphone to announce she will ask "High Pants Nads and Schiff for Brains to investigate the latest impeachable offense which recently had been discovered!"
Brian Stelter and his lover Jimmie Acosta from CNN breathlessly asked, "what have you discovered?"
Tide Pod Pelsoi stated, "President Trump tweeted!"
Brian and Jimmie ran for the cameras to announce , "this is the beginning of the end of the Trump Regime"
Americans yawned, DC Democrats rejoiced!

Eric Swallowsalot popped out of Schiff For Brains pants screaming, "this is an impeachable offense and must be pursued to protect the nation."

Liawatha Warren rushed to the nearest microphone and stated, "tweets like this unravel the fabric of our nation and we must step into the breech to save our democracy - Vote for Me!"

Crying Chuckles Schumer went to the podium to announce, "he was demanding the Senate Intelligence Committe open and investigation immediately!"

Senator Mitch McConnell was seen laughing.

Mad Maxine Waters announced, "Impeach 45!"

Mittens Romney ran to CNN to let them know, "he was looking into his soul and would be prepared to vote to impeach if all the media outlets interviewed him at least three times a week"

Main stream media has gone into full outrage mode to show their impartiality in this incdent.

Meanwhile, President Trump is meeting with AG Barr discussing "when would be a good time to announce he plans on pardoning Roger Stone and General Flynn?", AG Barr said "let's wait until I testify before the House committee, I want to watch them shit their pants when I announce that the Durham Investigation is complete and I am really busy prioritizing the arrests for various criminal violations in all levels of government"

The two chuckled as they left for a lunch meeting with Durham and McConnell.

So far the Entrenched Bureaucracy has tried and failed with:

Access Hollywood Tape.
Challenge to Electoral College
Stormy Daniels
Michael Avanetti three lawsuits filed.
Circulating the Steele Dossier
Russian Collusion Delusion
Kavanaugh Assasination
Trabel Ban Lawsuit
Mueller Investigation
Various legal challenges
Emollument Lawsuit.
Mueller Testimony
Cohen Testimony
Roll out of the most diverse list of Presidential candidates. 
Impeachment Sham
Roll out of Electable Biden
24/7/365 Media outrage

So after losing every challenge, they will now try to take President Trump's latest tweet and demand AG Barr resign or be impeached and work toward another Presidential Impeachment. 

Something tells me that the Democrats either like the taste of losing or they like the feeling of perpetual outrage.

Meanwhile America Yawns.