Monday, February 10, 2020

BUSTED: Mike Pompeo Says He Has List of American Governors Listed as 'Friendly' by Communist China

 Article by Megan Fox in "PJMedia":

In a shocking speech in front of the National Governors Association, Secretary Mike Pompeo revealed that he is in possession of a list of American governors who have been listed as "friendly" by Chinese Communist infiltrators.

Pompeo said he received an invitation from a former governor to attend a networking event that promised great "deal-making" opportunities with the Chinese government. This networking event was run by "The Chinese People's Association for Friendship in Foreign Countries," said Pompeo. But what the participants might not have known is that "the group is the public face of the Chinese Communist party's  official foreign influence agency, the United Front Work Department." Pompeo knew of this connection from his time at the CIA.

He questioned the governors on how many of them knew that this group was a communist front group. "What if you made a new friend while you were at that event?" he asked. "What if your new friend offered to invest big money in your state, perhaps in your pension, an industry sensitive to our national security?"

And then he dropped a huge bomb on the crowd. "These aren't hypotheticals," he continued. "Last year a Chinese government-backed think tank in Beijing produced a report that assessed all fifty of America's governors on their attitudes toward China. They labeled each of you friendly, hardline, or ambiguous." Pompeo continued, "I'll let you decide where you think you belong, someone in China already has. Many of you, indeed, in that report, are referenced by name."

I don't know about you, but I'd sure like to see that list. A quick perusal of the CPAFFC website identifies Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, a Republican, as a friendly governor to the association with photographs of her and the association's president.

The state of Iowa and China enjoy more than 30 years of active exchanges and deep-rooted friendship. She hoped that under the leadership of Governor Reynolds, Iowa will continue to play a leading role in economy and trade, agriculture and state-province cooperation with China.
Governor Reynolds expressed her heartfelt thanks to CPAFFC for its long-term support of Iowa. She said, China is the most important trading partner of Iowa and she will carry on the friendly relations forward, to create more opportunities for win-win cooperation between U.S., Iowa and China.

Calls to Governor Reynolds's press officer did not go through and the voicemail was full. Former Kentucky governor Matt Bevin was also photographed with the same president of the association.  Attempts to reach Bevin for comment went unanswered. Among other U.S. officials named on the Chinese website are former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill, and the lieutenant governor of California, Eleni Kounalakis.

It is unknown whether or not these officials knew of the Chinese Communist influence connected to the group, but it's worth pointing out how vulnerable local governments are to foreign interference.