Sunday, February 9, 2020

Bernie -vs- Buttigieg: New Polls Driving Club Message – Bernie Sanders Lead Now “Slim” in New Hampshire

It became very clear during the Club’s manipulation of the Iowa caucus that candidate Pete Buttigieg was the primary Club weapon to eliminate Bernie Sanders.

It was anonymous complaints from Team Buttigieg that scrapped the publication of the DMR final Iowa poll showing Bernie leading.  It was the Team Buttigieg network that operated the mysterious “Shadow” vote-counting “APP” that stopped working; and in all of the subsequent activity it was/is clear the Club boardroom is working to elevate Buttigieg. This is why Buttigieg could confidently declare victory amid the chaos.

During last night’s ABC New Hampshire debate it was clear from the process deployed by Club member George Stephanopoulos that Buttigieg was again being elevated on behalf of the club objective, & their tool deployed rehearsed answers to rehearsed questions.

Today, CNN comes in with a narrative engineered poll.  Look at the headline: “Sanders Holds Slim Lead in NH Over Rising Buttigieg; Biden and Warren Slip“…

Keep in mind CNN previously constructed the hit on Sanders using Elizabeth Warren.  CNN accused Sanders of saying: “a woman can never be president”, and then used that narrative in the following debate.  The hit on Bernie was manufactured by CNN in advancement of the Club effort.  Just like CNN leaked the questions to Hillary Clinton in 2016 to advance the Club agenda against Bernie.  This is the pattern.

Here’s the CNN Poll intended to influence the New Hampshire race:

It will be VERY interesting to keep this poll bookmarked and then review it again *AFTER* the New Hampshire results next Tuesday.   This is manipulative engineering by the media.
(Politico) – The CNN/University of New Hampshire poll — which was conducted Tuesday-Friday, sandwiched between Monday’s Iowa caucuses and Friday night’s debate in Goffstown, N.H. — gives Sanders a 7-point edge over Buttigieg, 28 percent to 21 percent.
Sanders has consolidated much of his support among voters on the party’s left wing. Among those who call themselves liberals, Sanders has 49 percent, 30 points ahead of Buttigieg (19 percent) and Warren (15 percent).
But among those who consider themselves moderate or conservative, it’s Buttigieg (24 percent) who leads Biden (15 percent) and Sanders (13 percent).
Sanders, 78, is the oldest candidate in the race, but he’s the top choice among younger voters: He wins 51 percent of voters under age 35, and 32 percent of those aged 35 to 49.
The 38-year-old Buttigieg, meanwhile, is the leading candidate among primary voters 65 and older, even edging Biden among that bloc, 27 percent to 21 percent.
The poll suggests historically fickle New Hampshire voters are beginning to lock in on their preferred candidates. Roughly half, 51 percent, say they are definitely decided, compared to 19 percent who are leaning toward a candidate and 30 percent who are still trying to decide.  (read more)

Elizabeth Warren is in a free-fall/collapse in the CNN poll. That type of a result would be terrible considering the New Hampshire contest in her backyard. However, the Club is running a very predictable playbook to eliminate Bernie Sanders.

The former mayor of South Bend Indiana will NOT be the DNC candidate, but he is a valuable tool toward ensuring that Sanders is stopped. If the primary continues to shake-out the way it is currently playing, CTH would anticipate seeing Buttigieg and Warren team up against Sanders in the next 10 to 20 days.

There are some similarities between Buttigieg and Warren against Bernie Sanders in 2020 as compared to Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz against Donald Trump in 2016.

Joe Biden is a non-issue; CTH would anticipate his exit around the same time Warren and Buttigieg team up to eliminate Bernie (around the end of Feb). Obviously this will create a big confrontation between the limo-liberals and the grassroots Marxists.

Keep watching…