Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Brave Firefighters of CNN

The Brave Firefighters at CNN melt down like the Wicked Witch when Martha McSally called their reporter a “liberal hack.”

Say, remember when MSNBC “journalist” Katy Tur described reporters as firefighters who bravely rush toward a fire?

They’re fearless, selfless and brave those firefighters of the American news media.
Unless of course a Republican woman calls one of them a liberal hack.

Then quicker than you can say “backdraft,” the brave firefighters crumble into an inconsolable heap of tears.

the other day, Adam Schiff’s press secretary, CNN’s Manu Raju had just such a traumatic moment with Republican Senator Martha McSally.

“Lashed out.”

Oh, the HUMANITY!!!

McSally posted video of the exchange with this message:

A) you are.
B) here’s the video.

Senator McSally doesn’t break her stride.  She doesn’t stop and get in poor Manu’s face.  She simply says, “Man, you’re a liberal hack. I’m not talking to you,” and “You’re a liberal hack, buddy.”

But over at CNN, the brave firefighters were apoplectic with outrage.

Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper were visibly shaken as they played the video of this harrowing, threatening moment.

Why Jake was so horrified by this “attack,” he scampered to the McCain family to tattle on mean old Senator McSally because she’s McCain’s replacement!!!

CNN released a statement:

“It is extremely unbecoming for a U.S. Senator to sink to this level and treat a member of the press this way for simply doing his job.”

Good grief!  She didn’t slug him.  She didn’t even get in his face.  All she did was call him a liberal hack.

These brave firefighters act as if elected officials never before in this history of the universe called them a name.

Why just yesterday the Daily Caller had a story about 2020 Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg getting angry with a New York Times reporter.  The reporter asked about Buttigieg being “on the front lines of corporate downsizing.”  And Buttigieg got so irritated he told the reporter it was “bullshit.”

Thank the good Lord above Mayor Pete didn’t call him a hack.  We’d have to send in the National Guard!

Calling Manu Raju – Adam Schiff’s go-to guy for leaks – a “liberal hack” doesn’t come close to the level of what CNN did to Covington Catholic student Nick Sandman.

But from the way these brave firefighters reacted, you’d think Martha McSally slammed Manu against a wall, slapped him repeatedly and spit in his face.

Or smirked at him.

CNN always has to make itself the story.  Always.

It’s been their problem for years.

Now, a lot of the reason these so-called firefighters are setting their hair on fire over this is they want to take McSally out.  They want her defeated in 2020.  So they decide to amp up the outrage over this nothingburger because it serves a dual purpose: It makes them look like victims; and it tosses mud on McSally during an election year.

Problem is, they’re going overboard.

And Martha McSally isn’t letting their histrionics control the narrative.

The American news media grew used to Republicans
sucking up to them (*cough* John McCain *cough*).

Then Trump came along.  And Republicans have learned that playing nice with people whose mission is to destroy you is not something you have to do.