Saturday, January 18, 2020

President Trump Notes DNC Establishment Targeting Bernie Again

The fourth quarter fundraising totals shocked the professional political class. Bernie is not only leading the polling, he’s also leading the fundraising…  Things are serious now.
Professional party Democrats pay attention to personalities and policies in a general sense; however, professional democrats pay severe attention to the money. Amid Democrat circles elitism is defined by status; and status is defined by money.

Those united party interests rolled out the Elizabeth Warren gender card in a coordinated attack.  Warren is inauthentic, and her pandering ‘wokeness’ is silly, but the limo-liberals and caviar-communists like her…. Go figure. President Trump sees the game and tweets about it: (this is the second time)

The Democrat professional party apparatus is playing with fire.  Bernie Sanders’ socialist supporters will not accept another railroading like 2016. President Trump is correct, it is fun to watch.