Thursday, January 23, 2020

Nothing says “Somber and Prayerful” like Alyssa Milano

If you thought a drag queen turning up for the House hearings was the absolute low point of this “somber and prayerful” impeachment circus, well, I got news for you.  It just got lower.

Z-list celebrity Alyssa Milano is attending the Senate Trial.

Of course she is.  Because when I hear “somber and prayerful,” the first thing that pops into my head is Alyssa Milano.

She adds some serious gravitas to every somber and prayerful event, does she not?

That is when she’s not busy clutching her own boobs …

somber and prayerful boob-clutching
… or forcing her child to kneel during the National Anthem.

Yes sir.  Alyssa is the Poster Child for Somber and Prayerful.

Nothing says “Somber and Prayerful” like Alyssa Milano
Is there a single pertinent reason this publicity hound is attending the Senate trial in person?

Does she not have cable or internet access?

Of course the first thing Alyssa did when showing up yesterday was to complain that she wasn’t allowed to bring her phone into the Senate chamber.

“This is what democracy looks like.”

Yes, it is direct threat to “democracy” that somber and prayerful Alyssa can’t live-tweet during the Senate trial.

Good Lord, this idiot.

Does Alyssa not realize that her turning up at this only confirms what we’ve already noodled out all on our own: this impeachment is nothing but Resistance😁 porn for the Trump Deranged.