Thursday, January 2, 2020

Garbage Media Roots for Another Benghazi

The same media that for years told us Benghazi was a “fake scandal”
seems genuinely disappointed that the US Embassy attack in
Baghdad wasn’t “Trump’s Benghazi.”

2019 went out with a bang in Baghdad.  Iranian-backed militias attempted to storm the US Embassy, and the news media quivered with gleeful anticipation that this would become President Trump’s own Benghazi.

Because the American news media is garbage.

Oh, how they wanted Americans to die in Baghdad just so they can giddily declare that “Trump had his own Benghazi!!”

What the hell is wrong with these people?

It was bad enough that the New York Times referred to these Iranian-backed terrorists as “mourners.”

But to root for another Benghazi because Orange Man Bad?

That’s flat-out obscene.

Only, if this was President Trump’s Benghazi, then he, unlike Obama handled it perfectly.

Unlike Obama, who left Americans to die while he went to bed and rested up for a Las Vegas fundraiser, President Trump acted with decisive force.

The only quick-reaction team Obama deployed was the White House narrative-spinners — or as I called them “Conceal Team Six.” They quickly went to work concocting a cover story to shield the Administration’s incompetence while downplaying the terror threat in Libya they helped to create.

And the same garbage media who is now rooting for another Benghazi happily gobbled up the bogus narrative burped out from the Obama White House.

Notice what Politico is saying here?  They are inferring that the only reason Trump ordered in the Marines and the gunships was to avoid “controversy.”

What rot.

Trump ordered an immediate response to prevent the loss of American lives, you nits, not to “avoid” a “controversy.”

Good grief, these people.

Garbage Media Roots for Another Benghazi
President Trump did what the Commander-in-Chief should do – he put the safety and security of Americans first.

What’s ironic is the garbage media that is so eager for Trump to have his own Benghazi are the same garbage media that told us for years that Benghazi was a fake scandal.


It sucks when you’re narratives collide.

But it wasn’t just the garbage Enemy of the People that was cheering on Iran.
Elected Democrats were too.

Of course Senator Murphy’s tweet didn’t age well since America wasn’t reduced to huddling in safe rooms.  Instead, America rained down fire — and Marines — from the sky.

And rather than cheer the quick response and successful mission, these cretins seem rather disappointed that American lives were protected and the Iranian-backed thugs were driven back.

I wish I could say I’m surprised that the American news media and Democrat politicians are actually cheering on America’s enemies in hopes that it gives President Trump a black eye.

But, the sad thing is, I’m not surprised.

Their hatred for Trump was never about him.  It’s always been about America.  So long as the Left is not in power, they want this country to fail.

Even if that means cheering on Iran while perversely hoping for the loss of American lives.