Thursday, January 16, 2020

Even CNN Calls Out Democrats For How They Celebrated the Signing of the Impeachment Resolution

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has been trying to sell the line that the Democrats are all “prayerful” and “somber” about impeachment, as though they haven’t been trying to impeach President Donald Trump since the moment he took office. 
But they really blew the game today as they actually had what amounted to a celebratory signing of the passage of the impeachment resolution before the articles were sent to the Senate.

Not only were they all smiles, but they even handed out celebratory pens, so they could all have a little piece of the travesty in which they were involved. Pelosi was just beaming. They all posed for photos after as well and the table she signed at was covered with a tablecloth with the hashtag, “Defending Democracy,” just as you would have for any PR campaign. 

Serious and somber? Not quite. Add that to her prior comments about being “impeached forever” and making sure Trump was not president “one way or another” by next year. 

Here’s the full video of the travesty:

Even most of the members of the CNN panel covering the news were taken aback, calling it “jarring” and “off-message.”

When even CNN is calling you out, you know you weren’t able to fool anyone with the partisan nature of this effort to get Trump.