Friday, January 17, 2020

Our Enemies Work Overtime Spreading Misinformation

Drudge Headline Screams: OMB says Trump Broke The Law Delaying Aid to Ukraine!
Pelosi made the announcement on Thursday morning during her impeachment briefing.
The Government Accountability Office issued their opinion on Thursday which just happened to be the same day that Democrats would slow walk their sham articles of impeachment over to the US Senate. What a coincidence!
For the record… The GAO also accused Barack Obama of breaking the law back in 2014 for swapping 5 Gitmo terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl — but there was no impeachment.
Obama released five deadly Gitmo terrorists for traitor Bergdahl.
Obviously, Barack Obama’s criminal conduct put Americans in danger.
President Trump delayed bombs to Ukraine by a few weeks.
Later today the Director pushed back at this political stunt accusing the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of a flawed interpretation of the law.
OMB Director Russ Vought pushed back on the GAO opinion.
Director Vought: This GAO opinion comes from the same people who said we couldn’t keep National Parks open during the shutdown. Recently GAO flipped its position twice in the last few months. We wouldn’t be surprised if they reverse again. Regardless, the Admin complied with the law at every step
Once again, the screaming liberal media headlines in the morning become nothing-burgers by bedtime.
Tide Pod Nancy is an alcoholic who needs put down.

The Main Stream Media and the Democrats are working overtime to spread lies and misinformation at the start of the Impeachment Trial, We The People must inundate our Senators and tell them kill this shit immediately!