Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Democrats Cower Behind Fences and Walls of Security.

Democrats build fences and a wall of Security Personnel to keep them safe from immigrants they fear.

Rather amusing since they know fences, walls don't work and everyone wants their policies.

Yesterday Richmond, Va. held a protest from about 22,000 unhappy legal gun owners. It seems the Democrat Leadership was so triggered they had to declare a "State of Emergency"

I am a little confused though, I read for weeks that the Democrat Leadership was passing Gun Control legislation that "the People of Virginia wanted".

Why does the Democrat Leadership need to hide behind fences and walls of security from these people?

LMAO!!!  It seems the Democrat Leadership of Virgina see these people as illegal immigrants forcing their way into Virginia and hence the Democrat Leadership need to protect themselves!


Listening to this clown one has to understand why Virginia would elect such a fool. He is so afraid of his constituents he needs to Delare a State of Emergency, build fences and add a wall of security while he cowers in the State House.

Governor Northam should look out the window and realize there are 22,000 gun owning voters who can desend on his white tower fully armed.

Watching the cowards that Liberals and Democrats are makes one wonder, how soon can we begin hunting them like feral animals to a point of extinction?