Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Cuomo and de Blasio are dangerous idiots

Cuomo and de Blasio’s feckless policies have created the perfect storm of lawlessness and violence. And they have the nerve to blame President Trump.

Have you ever seen two more disgusting politicians than Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio?  Honestly, these guys aren’t just idiots; they are dangerous idiots.

For several years, the New York Metropolitan area has been suffering from an epidemic of anti-Semitic hate crimes largely perpetrated by blacks.  But Cuomo and de Blasio are too busy blaming white supremacists and President Trump to actually do anything to stop it.

Way to pass the buck you cretins.

No wonder New York is in the toilet with corrupt, incompetent idiots like Cuomo and de Blasio in charge.

But it isn’t just those two politicians.  It’s the whole stinking lot of them in Albany and New York City.

The Democrats finally got their wish and took complete control of Albany.  And when they’re not trying to ban single-use grocery bags, they’re passing a “no bail” law that releases dangerous suspects on an unsuspecting populace.

The law doesn’t go into effect until tomorrow, but already prosecutors and judges are acting on it.

Most notably, a Brooklyn woman named Tiffany Harris.  Harris was arrested for attacking three Orthodox Jewish women in Crown Heights, released without bail on Saturday, and was arrested again on Sunday for assaulting someone else.  And guess what?  She was released without bail on Monday.

Thanks Cuomo and de Blasio!  You’re making New York a haven for violent thugs and leaving innocent victims to be brutalized.

But, hey.  At least they’re getting those dangerous single-use grocery bags off the streets!

From the New York Post:

It’s almost as if the pols and the courts want suspects to commit more crimes. (Mayor Bill de Blasio is even upping the amount they’ll be “paid” when released: On top of Mets tickets and other goodies, he’s adding $25 gift cards, a MetroCard and more.)

It all stems from the new state law that mandates the immediate release of almost every defendant, except in cases of very violent crimes. Judges have some discretion if they think suspects are an “imminent” public danger — but it seems slapping and slugging people doesn’t count.

Freeing the accused with no bail has become the default, even for flagrant repeat offenders. And it’ll only get worse when other reforms tying prosecutors’ hands go into effect Wednesday.

Lawmakers clearly care more about criminals than victims. It might be wise not to be on the same street as Tiffany Harris.

Cuomo and de Blasio made this mess.  And now they have the gall to blame President Trump for it.

So not only are they dangerous idiots, but they think we’re all idiots too.

And, really, given the fact that Cuomo and de Blasio get reelected, I suspect they have a reason to think that.

Unfortunately, New Yorkers voted for the bumbling Keystone Kops.  They voted in that radical anti-law enforcement Attorney General Leticia James.  And now New Yorkers are paying the price – some of them are paying with their lives.

How dare they blame the President for the havoc they’ve unleashed.

But that’s what both Cuomo and de Blasio do. They are notorious buck-passers. It’s never their fault.

Honestly, these two make me so angry, I could spit.

Speaking of the Duh-namic Duo, check out this segment from last night’s Tucker Carlson show with guest host Mark Steyn.

I live in this state.  And I would love nothing more than to see New York become the vibrant, safe, economic powerhouse that I know it could be.

But so long as voters keep electing dangerous idiots like Cuomo and de Blasio, it is never going to happen.