Monday, January 20, 2020

Cheater Cheater Booger Eater

Obama had composite girlfriends;
Liz Warren has a composite campaign.

Last night I saw a tweet that is a visual example of what a cheater Elizabeth Warren is.

Take a look:

For clarity, I’ve dutifully taken the images @BecketAdams tweeted out and placed them side-by-side:

Good grief, Liz.  If you’re going to be a big, fat cheater, you could at least change up the wording a skosh to make it less obvious.

I like @BecketAdams’ description here.

It’s perfect. Cheater Liz is most definitely picking off the wreckage of failed campaigns like a scavenger.

Look, most campaigns will use similar playbooks from other campaigns. But this is something entirely different.

Cheater Liz goes beyond using the same campaign playbook. I mean, for Pete’s sake.

She’s lifting platitudes word-for-word and recycling them for her campaign. That’s flat-out lazy.

“Whelp.  Kirsten won’t be needing this line anymore.  So I’m gonna take it.”

What a cheater.

She cribs off Hillary, Gillibrand.  What’s next?

But if you’re going to steal from other candidates, doesn’t it make more sense to copy the work of winners? Why would you steal from the ones who failed to make the cut?

That’s like cheating off the kid who never gets better than a D-minus on tests.

Now, to be fair, Cheater Liz is also drafting off of Bernie Sanders.  So, clearly she is willing to crib off anyone in the Democrat primary, not just the also-rans.

How long before she starts lecturing Christians like Pastor Pete?

Will Warren get an unexpected eye bleed at the next debate?

Now you understand why I say Cheater Liz has an Authenticity Deficit.

Obama had composite girlfriends; Liz Warren has a composite campaign.

I imagine when her team heard the news that Cory Booker dropped out they immediately started combing through his tweets for really good lines Liz could pass off as her own.

Frankly I’m stunned that Elizabeth Warren is polling as well as she is given that she’s such unoriginal phony.

But inflated polling is what happens when the news media is on your side.

Without the heavy assist she’s getting from them, this inauthentic, cheater would have dropped out last summer.