Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Brennan Tweets He's Never Heard a Govt Lawyer So Deceive Americans; Gets SMOKED by Former CIA Colleague

Future convicted felon (and former CIA Director) John Brennan responded to a like-minded Twitter user’s withering criticism of White House Counsel Pat Cipollone. He tweeted:

It didn’t take long for one of his former CIA case officers to respond. And it was delicious! Mark Augustine replied:

Given Brennan’s history and troubled relationship with the truth, he really should have sat this one out. In October, NBC reported that U.S. Attorney John Durham’s inquiry into the origins of the Russian collusion probe had been expanded and turned into a criminal investigation. The word was that Durham’s team was interested in interviewing both Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper.

In December, another leak was reported by the New York Times. Durham’s team had requested all of Brennan’s communication records from the CIA. It is entirely possible that, by the time Durham completes his investigation, he may be in some serious trouble.

In other words, maybe he should have sat this one out.

Understandably, the irony of Brennan’s tweet caused quite a stir in the Twittersphere this afternoon. Here are some of the most amusing responses.
Apparently you never listened to Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch. 
LOL this is how you can tell Pat Cipollone did a great job 
I mean… you ARE an expert at misrepresenting the facts and deceiving the American public… you made a career out of it. Delete your account. 
You @JohnBrennan were a feckless bureaucrat in your 33 years – your incompetence disqualifies you from having any valid observations as you lied to Congress, spied on Congress & being at the center of the attempted coup against @realDonaldTrump you deceived the American people. 
Damn! Nice dress down, Mr. Augustine! 
It’s not like he spied on the American people and then lied about it. 
We smell your fear. In. Every. One. Of. Your. Tweets.
Kudos to Mark Augustine for smacking Brennan down so hard.