Thursday, January 23, 2020

BOMBSHELL: Laura Ingraham Lays Out Damning Info About Whistleblower, Bidens, Burisma and Obama Admin

 BOMBSHELL: Laura Ingraham Lays Out Damning Info About Whistleblower, Bidens, Burisma and Obama Admin
Article by Nick Arama in "RedState":

I don’t sling around the words “huge” or “bombshell” easily or lightly. 

But the information just broken by Fox News’ Laura Ingraham is all of those things.
She details how she managed to obtain a chain of emails through a FOIA request for information from the New York Times’ Ken Vogel. If you recall, Vogel was the man who wrote the famous Politico piece that broke the story about Ukraine allegedly helping the Democrats and Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election. 

Vogel had information that he was querying the State Department about in May 2019 about Ukrainian officials, the whistleblower and the White House. His email was forwarded to people at the State Department including George Kent and Elizabeth Zentos. This was shortly after Joe Biden had declared his run for the Democratic nomination.

From Washington Examiner: 

On May 1, 2019, Vogel contacted State Department official Kate Schilling about a story he was working on regarding an Obama administration meeting in January 2016 with Ukrainian prosecutors and mentioned the name of the CIA analyst believed to be the whistleblower whose complaint sparked impeachment proceedings that led to two articles of impeachment: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. [….]
In the email, Vogel wrote, “We are going to report that [State Department official] Elizabeth Zentos attended a meeting at the White House on 1/19/2016 with Ukrainian prosecutors and embassy officials as well as … [redacted] from the NSC … the subjects discussed included efforts within the United State government to support prosecutions, in Ukraine and the United Kingdom, of Burisma Holdings, … and concerns that Hunter Biden’s position with the company could complicate such efforts.”

The redacted name is that of the man reported as the whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella.

The State Department ultimately declined to comment to Vogel.

Ingraham says her people were able to determine from White House visitor logs that Ciaramella checked several Ukrainian officials to the White House for that January 2016 meeting. Ciaramella was the Ukraine director on the National Security Council. As such he did do work with Joe Biden who was the Obama point man on Ukraine. 

So Ingraham asks why wasn’t the whistleblower who was so concerned about President Donald Trump’s phone call not concerned about this? What was said in the meeting about the possible prosecutions into Burisma and what role did Hunter Biden’s role play in those discussions?

Also what happened to the story that Vogel was going to write for the New York Times? It was never published, so was it squashed? Ingraham says that they just said Vogel’s request for comment was consistent with their news-gathering process, whatever that means. It doesn’t explain why the story never ran. 

Ingraham explains “the timing of their request and the subsequent squashing of the story are very interesting,” because Joe Biden had just announced his candidacy for president on April 25, one week before Vogel’s request. 

Did someone squash it so as not to hurt Biden. Was this whole Ukraine call scam/whistleblower game cooked up to prevent all this from coming out because Trump had raised the issue of the case being possibly improperly shut down? And is it really not just to protect Biden but to protect the Obama administration in general from yet another scandal? 

On the same day as Vogel’s request to the State Department, he had a report published examining how in 2016, then-Vice President Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees if Ukraine did not fire its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin. [….]
Vogel has continued to report on the Bidens and Ukraine and the unfolding impeachment saga. He said in a Sept. 21 interview that the Ukraine story posed a “significant liability” for Joe Biden and that there was “more to be told.” Vogel got a report published the next day that declared no evidence had surfaced that showed Joe Biden intentionally tried to protect his son by getting Shokin fired.

That meeting with the whistleblower and the Ukrainian officials occurred in mid-January. On February 2, Viktor Shokin raided the home of the founder/head of Burisma. That was made public in the Kyiv Post on February 4. Then in March, Shokin was fired and whatever investigation he was going to do was stopped. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has requested any information from the State Department with reference to Joe Biden and contact with Ukraine about that time. According to Graham, Hunter Biden began following Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken, “a longtime advisor to Vice President Joe Biden,” on February 4, perhaps indicating there may have been a discussion about Shokin’s investigation.

Biden’s people just released an ad on Tuesday claiming any problems with Burisma were long before Hunter joined the board. Hunter joined the board April 2014 and was on it for until April 2019, all within the time in question.