Friday, January 17, 2020

A snake emoji?! How dare you!!!

Liz Warren is super ready for the trials and hardships of being President and Commander-in-Chief. BUT DON’T YOU DARE TWEET THE SNAKE EMOJI AT HER!!!!

In response to Elizabeth Warren’s latest tall tale that Bernie told her a woman can’t get elected President, Bernie fans on Twitter are inundating the replies to her tweets with the snake emoji. 🐍

As for example:

Snake emoji tweets

And the Blue Checkmark Sisterhood is not amused.

You see, using the snake emoji in reference to Elizabeth Warren is super-duper sexist. And these ladies are now stepping up to white knight for their gal.

How dare you use the snake emoji against Warren?!  You sexist, you!!!

As for example:

It’s a snake emoji, sweetie.  Is this really a hill you want to fight on? It isn’t like they nailed a dead snake to Liz Warren’s door.

Either Elizabeth Warren is strong and capable enough to tackle the job of President, or she’s a weak, vulnerable damsel in distress who needs the Sisterhood white-knighting for her over people using the snake emoji in replies to her tweets.

It can’t be both.

If a woman decides to run for President and Commander-in-Chief, she better damn well be able to handle getting a snake emoji tweeted at her.

Don’t snakes have thick skin?

Should Warren (heaven forbid) become President of the United States, I can guaran-damn-tee you that the likes of President Xi, Vladimir Putin or the psycho mullahs of Iran aren’t going to take Liz Warren’s tender feelings into account when dealing with her.

You can bet at those Anti-American protests in Iran pro-regime marchers will carry signs portraying “President” Warren in the most unflattering ways.  I mean, way worse than a freaking snake emoji.

And what if some enterprising young scamp creates a gigantic balloon of a diaper-clad Snake in Elizabeth Warren’s glasses? I’m guessing these gals who feel the need to play human shields for poor, vulnerable Liz would lose their minds at the sight of it.

If the Blue Checkmark Sisterhood really want voters to believe that Liz Warren is one tough-ass cookie who can stand tall no matter what slings and arrows come her way, maybe losing their marbles over a snake emoji isn’t the best way to do it.

Rushing to form a human shield around Liz Warren doesn’t make her look tough. And it certainly doesn’t make her look Presidential.

Instead it makes her look like a poor, defenseless damsel in distress.

I’m beginning to hope Bernie did tell Liz shouldn’t couldn’t be President.

The fact is, the onslaught of criticism being hurled at Elizabeth Warren right this minute is a drop in the bucket compared to what most Republicans (both men and women) endure on a daily basis.

Read some of the replies to First Lady Melania Trump’s tweets. A snake emoji is nothing compared to the vile and sexually explicit garbage that gets tossed at Melania. Not that the Blue Checkmark Sisterhood gives a damn about that.

If these white-knighting defenders really think Liz Warren can’t handle snake emojis in her replies, then clearly they don’t have any confidence in her ability to handle everything that comes with being President and Commander-in-Chief.