Wednesday, January 1, 2020

11 Months To Organize and Work For Trump Reelection

2020 is here! Now let's recap 2019 and prepare to get President Trump reelected and get him help by winning the house and inproving the Senate!
1. 3 Years of lies and fake news published daily by Main Stream Media has proven they are our enemy!

2. Mueller and Horowitz proved the Russian Collusion Delusion was a poorly concieved coup by the Clinton forces withing Government. At least 30 of her forces and allies are gone.

3. Horowitz showed all of America the seditious attempts by too many entrenched Bureaucrats and now for 2020 we must push for indictments,

4. The Durham Investgation will finally show the criminal intent of too many entrenched Bureaucrats and should allow for real indictments and hopefully year long trials and convictions.

5. Political Corruption has been exposed by the Trump Administration in the form of Money Luandering by Democrats of taxpayer funds.

6. It is time to expose who in the Democrat Leadership have filled positions in Government, Advocacy and Lobbying entites with family.

7. It is time to expose the family relationships of Media types with Government families.

8. We The People must network around the country and help build groups who work to wake up the populous of the dangerous vile actions of Liberals, Democrats, their Media.

9. We The People must begin full blown boycotts of Entertainment by not going to Movies, not tuning in to various Television Channels and disrupting Events supported and funded by Liberals.

10. Fight back! Attend a Democrat Political event, Point out Biden's corruption and stupidity!

Recent polls show 30% of Millenials actually say they could support Communism! 70% of Millenials say they could support a Socialist candidate!

Yang supporters have said they will not support the Democrat Party if Yang is not on the ticket! Let's help foster that kind of thinking.

Sander supporters know Bernie was cheated by Hillary in 2016, find Sander supporters empathize with them and help they decide to not vote if Bernie is not the head of the ticket.

Foster whatever angry you can with these loons.

  • Reach out to any Black or Hispanic you know, talk about how odd it is Democrat Leadership is all White, remind them Democrats have controlled much of Government for nearly 100 years and they only seem to make Whites richer.
  • Foster their internal hatred of White Supremacy and show them examples.
  • Like: Look who is on the Debate stage.
  • Ask them why they support Islam as a religion yet chastizeanyone who believes in Christianity, Blacks and Hispanics still have strong Christian bases and they do actually dislike the sexual deviancy beng pushed on them.
  • Ask them why Democrats want children exposed to Transvesties, Transgenders and have Homosexual leaders.
  • Sympathizer with olderBlacks about any story where a young Black child has died in a drive by shooting in a big Democrat city. Lay the seeds of uncertainty!
  • Use the Political Correctness and Identity Politics to our advantage.

Remember when we seem confused and concerned rather than judgemental we will always be able to help the weak minded who support Liberalism to falter and start thinking they are beingused by their Liberal Rich White Masters.

We have 11 months to help breed a ground swell within the weak minded Lemmings in that party!

Let's get organized and work to help reelect President Trump.

We need 15 to 20% of both Black and Hispanic votes so get busy.