Bill Barr Booked a Party..

Posted at 10:30 pm on August 27, 2019 by Bonchie

Attorney General William Barr appears before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee to make his
Justice Department budget request, Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

It’s almost like they are overlooking relevant facts on purpose to push a narrative. Nah, couldn’t be.

If you got on political social media today, you probably witnessed about eight hours of freakout centered on Bill Barr hosting a party at the Trump Hotel in DC. Here’s a sampling of some of the flailing about that took place.

From the headlines and the responses, you’d think Barr was evil incarnate, reaching a level of corruption never before seen in modern American politics. Taking DOJ money and using it to pay $30,000 to Donald Trump’s hotel? Beyond the pale. Well, it would be if that was what actually happened.

So what’s really going on here? This wasn’t government money. It wasn’t funneling DOJ funds to Donald Trump or mixing business with pleasure. Rather, Bill Barr took his own money and booked a 4 hour party at Trump’s hotel for his friends and family, totaling about 200 attendees. Real scandalous stuff.
This entire outrage is stupid. Barr is free to spend his money as he wants. If he wants to burn a ridiculous sum on a Christmas party, more power to him. It wouldn’t be my choice, but it’s his money. The idea that this is corruption or a conflict of interest simply doesn’t add up. I saw one person suggest this was a “bribe.” Why would Barr need to bribe Trump? Wouldn’t it be the other way around if you buy into the conspiracy theories about them being in league together?

And does anyone think Trump cares about the few thousand dollars his business will clear after all the staff, food, and facility expenses are paid? Of course he doesn’t. The guy may not be as rich as he claims, but he’s still filthy rich.

I do like the fact that Barr seems to enjoy triggering these people. It’s refreshing to see a political appointee throw some shades on and ignore the woke mob for a change. 

Making the Term ‘Illegal Aliens’ Disappear

Making the Term 'Illegal Aliens' Disappear

Meet the Castro brothers - the Democrats’ new Thought Police.

Leftists are fond of summoning the magic of euphemism to make the social problems they create go away.

Like the editors of the Newspeak Dictionary in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, these social engineers define out of existence the atrocities that necessarily grow out of their ideology.

Take Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), who has introduced legislation that would strike “alien” and “illegal alien” from the federal law books and replace them with “foreign national” and “undocumented foreign national.” The lawmaker’s twin brother, Democrat presidential candidate Julian Castro, endorsed the measure.

Rep. Castro says his bill, the proposed “Correcting Alienating Names in Government Act,” or CHANGE Act, is “integral to creating a more welcoming and inclusive environment for incoming and current immigrants living in the United States.”

Castro wants “illegal alien” banished because it (quite properly) stigmatizes behavior –that is, being a foreigner present in the United States without authorization— that is unlawful.

There is a certain logic to this.

The Left has to make the hordes of illegal aliens their various so-called immigration law reforms have unleashed on their fellow Americans over the years seem normal and acceptable. This is also why the Left describes just about everyone touched by the nation’s immigration laws as an “immigrant” – whether they’re illegal aliens or legal permanent residents. Smearing anyone who believes in the rule of law as anti-immigrant over and over again makes people defensive and wears down the opposition. It’s a kind of brainwashing.

 Radicals who carry “no human being is illegal” placards at protests and Associated Press reporters agree with Castro that lying to destigmatize unlawful behavior is morally virtuous. The thought police at the AP stylebook now declare that “illegal” should be used only to describe an action “such as living in or immigrating to a country illegally.”

 They also give a thumbs-down to “illegal alien” and “undocumented,” which itself is already a euphemism. USA Today and other media outlets followed suit. Then-California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) jumped on the bandwagon in 2015 by signing legislation excising “alien” from the state’s labor code.

 “Words matter,” Castro said in a press release.

“It’s vital that we respect the dignity of immigrants fleeing violence and prosecution in our language. The words ‘alien’ and ‘illegal alien’ work to demonize and dehumanize the migrant community. They have no place in our government’s description of human beings. Immigrants come to our borders in good faith and work hard for the opportunity to achieve a better life for themselves and their family. Eliminating this language from government expression puts us one step closer to preserving their dignity and ensuring their safety.”

And it makes illegals and their enablers feel good about breaking the law, which is largely the point of the exercise.

Well, that, and it helps to create pressure to get “comprehensive immigration reform,” a euphemism for immigration amnesty, through Congress.

 President Donald Trump uses the words and phrases the Left hates because they’re accurate, his base loves them, and leftists hate them. All conservatives and right-thinking patriots should do the same.

Although the likelihood of Rep. Castro’s legislation making it all the way across Pennsylvania Avenue to President Trump’s desk is somewhere between slim and none, federal lawmakers do occasionally banish unfashionable words from the statute books.

Congress banned the perfectly good word “lunatic” in federal legislation in 2012 because it was deemed mean. In 2010 our elected representatives banned “mental retardation,” replacing it with “intellectual disability” in federal laws. And they’ll do it again when other useful words are no longer fashionable.

The feces-covered leftist hell known as San Francisco is getting rid of its crime problem by introducing new vocabulary.

The city’s board of supervisors has decided that “convicted felons” will now be called “justice-involved individuals.” Of course, as Tucker Carlson points out, calling these people “justice-involved individuals” also obliterates the distinction between the felons and their victims who could just as easily be described by the same term.

“So, in other words, victim and criminal are now morally indistinguishable,” Carlson says. “That’s on purpose. This is woke equality.”

 San Francisco has also abolished “juvenile delinquents,” replacing them with “young people impacted by the juvenile justice system,” as if the system –as opposed to the young person— actually committed the crime. This makes sense because the Left really does believe criminals are the real victims in society.

 The city also calls drug addicts “people with the history of substance use,” instead of "substance abusers" in order to eliminate the stigma associated with illegal drug consumption.

“‘Use,’ not ‘abuse.’ Get it? Heroin addicts are now the same as insulin-dependent diabetics; both use ‘substances.’ You can’t call one better than the other. They’re both exactly the same,” says Carlson.

The Left, with its despotic domination of the news media, academia, and entertainment, has the power to do all of this, but that doesn’t mean we have to go along with it.

Tropical Storm Dorian: Puerto Rico declares emergency.

The US territory of Puerto Rico has declared a state of emergency as it braces for a tropical storm churning through the Caribbean.
The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has issued hurricane watch and tropical storm warnings for Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.

Forecasters now expect Tropical Storm Dorian to develop into a hurricane after making landfall in Puerto Rico.

President Donald Trump has approved an emergency declaration.
The move authorises US federal agencies to provide assistance and co-ordinate disaster relief.

By Wednesday morning, the storm was 290km (180 miles) south-east of Puerto Rico, approaching St Croix with maximum sustained winds of 60mph (96km/h), according to the NHC.
The NHC cautioned that tropical storm conditions are expected in Puerto Rico but hurricane conditions are also possible.

The centre said the storm may strengthen to a Category Two hurricane as it moves toward the east coast of Florida.

In Puerto Rico, a territory still recovering from the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria in 2017, there are fears of power cuts and damage from strong winds.

Up to 15cm (6in) of rain could fall in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, where swells along coastlines could cause "life-threatening surf and rip current conditions", forecasters have said.
The governor of Puerto Rico, Wanda Vázquez Garced, who declared the state of emergency for the US territory on Monday, has called on its more than three million citizens to prepare.

We Must Purge the Rich White Liberal Oligarchy

Daily we are seeing more and more snippets of involvement by many of the Rich White Liberal Oligarchy being named in rape, sexual abuse of young men and women, pedophilia and other in humane practices.

"Paz de la Huerta brings Disney Executives into the Harvey Weinstein lawsuit"

Sadly this young woman waited years to speak up. But, thanks to the misguided #MeTooMovement they are being exposed.

De La Huerta's claims against Iger and Eisner, as well as former Miramax chairman Bob Weinstein, are negligent supervision and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Her claims against Disney are negligent supervision and violation of federal sex trafficking statutes.

Jeffery Epstein's escaped justice with assumed suicide, I have my doubts he killed himself, but I believe we will never know the truth.

We have seen numbers of the Rich White Liberal Oligarchy who catered to Jeffery's every whim, who participated in his sick world of Pedophilia for years.

We have read where young women have named participants in the abuse:

Democrat President Bill Clinton
Democrat Vice President Al Gore
Democrat Governor Bill Richardson
Democrat Security Adviser Sandy Berger
Democrat Cabinet Economic Adviser Larry Summers
Democrat Donors
Royalty from England and Saudi Arabia 

When Jeffery Epstein in the Palm Beach County jail, while serving 10 months, he was allowed to leave for 12 hours a day and then basically spend the night. 
He was allowed to go to his Palm Beach house and do whatever he was doing, ankle bracelet kind of thing, and then go back and spend the night in the jail.
Upon release from jail, he held a dinner party. 
Who attended?
Katie Couric - Democrat Media darling and supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton 
George Stephanopoulos - Democrat Media darling and Bill and Hillary Clinton supporter 
Chelsea Handler - Democrat Donor and Hollywood "Flatbacker"
Woody Allen - DemocratDonor and Hollywood Pedophile

Who were his friends?:

James Cayne - Democrat Donor and retired CEO Bear Sterns
Prince Andrews - British Royalty personal friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Sarah Ferguson - Democrat supporter and Duchess of York has debts paid off by Epstein.

Professor Lawrence Krauss - Democrat supporter and author of Quantum Man

We see that Jeffery Epstein's ownership of the Liberal Rich White Oligarchy extended, politics, education, media and entertainment!

AG Barr MUST pursue these people! We must have them exposed!

Harvey Weinstein's trial must be public and we must expose as many of the LIBERAL RICH WHITE OLIGARCHY for what they are.

Parasites and bottom feeders.


ill Joe Biden's speaking gaffes negatively affect his run for President?  
The independent journalist who goes by Brandon demonstrated with the footage how the ANTIFA mob targeted a marine who was simply riding his bicycle minding his own business as the domestic terror group blocked traffic.
Patriotic activists and Portland police attempted to disperse the mob so the vehicle could get through unimpeded. Finally, the mob parted so the car was no longer blocked from travel. This is when the mob took special attention to the marine.
The marine attempted to bike away but was blocked by a rotund masked terrorist while another ANTIFA member struck his bicycle so he could not move. Once another patriot unhooked his bike, the marine was able to make his way to the sidewalk.
This was when ANTIFA started to escalate their violent tactics. The marine was sprayed in the face by a domestic terrorist with a substance that appeared to be mace. After that, bottles were thrown toward the veteran as he was trying to peacefully walk away. His life was in danger at this point, as the mob worked themselves into a frenzy.
A domestic terrorist was shown with a knife in the video footage and walked behind the marine in a position to put it into the marine’s neck, but independent journalist Brandon got in the way before he was able to do it. The terrorist then slunk back into the audience and put his knife away.
“This is clear cut evidence of them being a terrorist organization,” Brandon said regarding the footage while imploring President Donald Trump to declare ANTIFA a terror group.
“What the hell are you thinking? This is the United States of America, [and] you’re going to stab somebody who served our country from the back with your mask on like a coward? You’re cowards,” he said.
After the attempted stabbing, another domestic terrorist ran up behind the marine and attempted to steal his blue fedora. He was able to get away on his bike as patriots repelled the ANTIFA terrorists who chased after him.

VA secretary rejects Obama religious expression rules: 'They did not know the makeup of the force'

- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 27, 2019 
  Robert Wilkie, the soft-spoken and managerial-minded secretary of Veterans Affairs, went public in a big way this summer when he said he refused to be “bullied” by a federal lawsuit claiming a Bible on display at a New Hampshire VA hospital violated the separation of church and state.
 In an interview with The Washington Times in his office at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Mr. Wilkie said displaying a Bible in a VA hospital is a matter of liberty and that the Obama
administration erred in trying to eliminate religious symbols from the veterans health care system.

 “The last administration … had a very ahistoric approach [to veterans],” Mr. Wilkie said. “They did not know the makeup of the force. They did not know the history of this country when it came to religious foundations, the religious support for those in uniform.”

  He said he grew up in a military family in North Carolina and believes the vast majority of veterans “identify themselves religiously.”

 Meanwhile, a federal judge in New Hampshire will soon decide whether a Bible in a bolted-down display case in the lobby of a Manchester hospital funded by taxpayer dollars represents constitutionally protected speech.

  A group of veterans, with support from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, filed a lawsuit in May to remove the Bible.

 “The placement of the Christian Bible, here, is in violation of that fundamental proscription, that the government may not establish any religion,” the lawsuit states.

 Mr. Wilkie, noting the department’s murky directives on religious memorabilia, said he empathized with VA administrators who initially removed the Bible decorating the POW/MIA memorial table before replacing the book. The Bible was donated by a World War II veteran who had survived a German prisoner of war camp.

 “I think the leadership of the VA hospital was still not sure how to act given the directives of the last administration,” Mr. Wilkie said.

 The VA secretary accused the Obama administration of banning the Army Chaplain Corps — which currently numbers 800, including student chaplains — from distributing religious materials, including Bibles, Torahs and Korans, to veterans, even those who request them.

 The previous administration, he said, even forbade revelers from singing Christmas carols in VA hospitals.

 “The underlying notion here is that there is a group of people who want to eliminate all indicia of religion and spirituality from the public square,” Mr. Wilkie said. “And they’ve used the military as their hobby horse, and that, to me, is a great disservice to the vast majority of those who served.”
Michael L. Weinstein, a lawyer and founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, said his organization is looking forward to its day in court.

 “I find it very ironic that VA Secretary Wilkie believes that upholding the separation of church and state regarding religious displays in VA facilities represents the interest of only a narrow number of people,” Mr. Weinstein said via email. “The Veterans Administration is what is called a ‘state actor’ and therefore must completely comply with the No Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of our U.S. Constitution.”

 The VA has a number of policies on religious expression. A 2016 inspector general’s report found no evidence that those policies contributed to religious insensitivity, and Secretary David J. Shulkin at the time wrote that policies “generally aligned” with applicable federal laws.

 However, the inspector general’s report noted that the VA had not adequately updated a variety of policies related to religious expression, including directive 0022 on religious symbols. In one instance, the inspector general found that a VA guidance on maintenance at national cemeteries hadn’t been updated in 22 years.

 According to multiple press reports at the time, the Obama administration adopted rules meant to curtail reported instances of proselytizing at military bases and hospitals. Mr. Wilkie’s staff said those strictures will stay in place.

 “I also want to make clear that a lot of people will try to say that [the VA’s memo on Bibles and public display] constitutes proselytization,” said John Mashburn, a senior adviser to Mr. Wilkie. “[But] the VA kept in places its prohibition against proselytization.”

 Mr. Wilkie had served as a legal aide to various Republican members of Congress, including Jesse Helms and Trent Lott, before his March 2018 promotion from an undersecretary post in the Department of Defense to head of the Department of Veterans Affairs. He was named acting VA secretary before the nomination of presidential physician Ronny Jackson was scuttled by reports that Dr. Jackson created an abusive work environment and drank on the job.

 The secretary said the spirituality of veterans is inseparable from the task of healing, especially during a crisis of depression, addiction and suicide.

 “What I consider to be the bizarre argument that men and women who’ve been sent to the most dangerous corners of the Earth, the most miserable places on the planet, would walk by a Bible on a table dedicated to missing men and go to pieces by the sight of that Bible when so many of them have been under fire in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Liberia, [just] goes counter to all logic,” Mr. Wilkie said.

 The VA secretary noted that the Army Chaplain Regimental Corps crest reads “Pro Deo et Patria.” He said any decision to remove the Bible in New Hampshire would diminish that motto.

“For veterans, we’re not going to deprive them of that [spiritual] comfort during what is often a very, very trying time,” he said.

Example - Social Fascism at Work

Oklahoma City anchor apologizes for comparing black co-host to gorilla

A white news anchor in Oklahoma City tearfully apologized on live television Tuesday after saying the day before that her black colleague looked like a gorilla.
Alex Housden, who hosts the morning show at KOCO 5 TV, sparked outrage during a segment about a baby western lowland gorilla named Fin recording selfie videos. The initially lighthearted segment quickly turned viral after Housden said to her co-host, Jason Hackett, who is black, that Fin “kind of looks like you when you take a picture.”
Hackett, who briefly pauses, replied, “Yeah, it does, actually, yeah … very close to the camera.”
The next morning, however, there were no laughs on the set. Housden and Hackett sat beside each other on a couch as Housden tearfully apologized to her colleague and to viewers over her “inappropriate” comment.
“I said something yesterday that was inconsiderate, it was inappropriate and I hurt people,” she said. “I want you to know I understand how much I hurt you all out there and how much I hurt you. I would never do anything on purpose to hurt you.”
Housden described Hackett as her “best friend” and insisted that she would never “do anything on purpose to hurt” him.
Hackett accepted Housden’s apology and said the incident was a “teachable moment.”
“What she said yesterday was wrong. It cut deep for me and a lot of you in the community. The lesson here is that words matter,” he said. “We are becoming a more diverse country and there is no excuse.”
“We have to understand the stereotypes, we have to understand each other's backgrounds and the words that hurt, the words that cut deep,” he added.
“We have to find a way to replace those words with love and words of affirmation.”

Fake-branded bars slip dirty gold into world markets

August 28, 2019
By Peter Hobson

LONDON (Reuters) – A forgery crisis is quietly roiling the world’s gold industry.

Gold bars fraudulently stamped with the logos of major refineries are being inserted into the global market to launder smuggled or illegal gold, refining and banking executives tell Reuters. The fakes are hard to detect, making them an ideal fund-runner for narcotics dealers or warlords.

In the last three years, bars worth at least $50 million stamped with Swiss refinery logos, but not actually produced by those facilities, have been identified by all four of Switzerland’s leading gold refiners and found in the vaults of JPMorgan Chase & Co., one of the major banks at the heart of the market in bullion, said senior executives at gold refineries, banks and other industry sources.

Four of the executives said at least 1,000 of the bars, of a standard size known as a kilobar for their weight, have been found. That is a small share of output from the gold industry, which produces roughly 2 million to 2.5 million such bars each year. But the forgeries are sophisticated, so thousands more may have gone undetected, according to the head of Switzerland’s biggest refinery.

“The latest fake bars … are highly professionally done,” said Michael Mesaric, the chief executive of refinery Valcambi. He said maybe a couple of thousand have been found, but the likelihood is that there are “way, way, way more still in circulation. And it still exists, and it still works.”

Fake gold bars – blocks of cheaper metal plated with gold – are relatively common in the gold industry and often easy to detect.

The counterfeits in these cases are subtler: The gold is real, and very high purity, with only the markings faked. Fake-branded bars are a relatively new way to flout global measures to block conflict minerals and prevent money-laundering. Such forgeries pose a problem for international refiners, financiers and regulators as they attempt to purge the world of illicit trade in bullion.

High gold prices have triggered a boom in informal and illegal mining since the mid-2000s. Without the stamp of a prestigious refinery, such gold would be forced into underground networks, or priced at a discount. By pirating Swiss and other major brands, metal that has been mined or processed in places that would not otherwise be legal or acceptable in the West – for example in parts of Africa, Venezuela or North Korea – can be injected into the market, channeling funds to criminals or regimes that are sanctioned.

It is not clear who is making the bars found so far, but executives and bankers told Reuters they think most originate in China, the world’s largest gold producer and importer, and have entered the market via dealers and trading houses in Hong Kong, Japan and Thailand. Once accepted by a mainstream gold dealer in these places, they can quickly spread into supply chains worldwide.

Word of the forged bars began to circulate quietly in gold industry circles after the first half of 2017, when J.P. Morgan, one of five banks which finalize trades in the $10 trillion-a-year London gold market, found that its vaults contained at least two gold kilobars stamped with the same identification number, 10 people familiar with the matter told Reuters. Reuters couldn’t determine exactly where the vaults were.

J.P. Morgan declined to directly address questions about the fraudulent bullion, or comment on any of the details in this story. “It’s our standard practice to immediately alert the appropriate authorities and refineries should we discover mismarked gold kilobars during routine checks and procedures,” the bank said in a statement. “Fortunately, we have yet to have an incident resulting in a loss to the firm or a client.”

The Shanghai Gold Exchange, which regulates China’s gold market, said in a statement it was not aware of counterfeit bars being made in or transported through China. “The Shanghai Gold Exchange has established a thorough delivery and storage system. The process for gold (material) to enter the warehouse is strictly managed and in compliance with the regulations,” it said.

When others who store and trade such gold found forged bars, they returned them to the refiner concerned, some of whom have operations in Asia. Bars returned to Switzerland have been reported by refiners to the Swiss authorities who impounded them, refiners said.

Swiss Customs said 655 forged bars were reported in 2017 and 2018 to local prosecutors in Ticino, a region bordering Italy that contains three of Switzerland’s four large refineries. “In all cases the marking of the 1 kg bars were fake,” a Customs official said by email, without commenting further.
The public prosecutor in Ticino confirmed it had received three reports of gold bars with suspect serial numbers, but said it could not disclose more information. The police in Neuchatel, where Switzerland’s other large refinery is located, said neither it nor local prosecutors there had received reports of any forged bars. Switzerland’s Attorney General said its office was not concerned with the topic at present.

Refinery executives said forged bars had also been reported in other countries.