Wednesday, August 28, 2019

We Must Purge the Rich White Liberal Oligarchy

Daily we are seeing more and more snippets of involvement by many of the Rich White Liberal Oligarchy being named in rape, sexual abuse of young men and women, pedophilia and other in humane practices.

"Paz de la Huerta brings Disney Executives into the Harvey Weinstein lawsuit"

Sadly this young woman waited years to speak up. But, thanks to the misguided #MeTooMovement they are being exposed.

De La Huerta's claims against Iger and Eisner, as well as former Miramax chairman Bob Weinstein, are negligent supervision and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Her claims against Disney are negligent supervision and violation of federal sex trafficking statutes.

Jeffery Epstein's escaped justice with assumed suicide, I have my doubts he killed himself, but I believe we will never know the truth.

We have seen numbers of the Rich White Liberal Oligarchy who catered to Jeffery's every whim, who participated in his sick world of Pedophilia for years.

We have read where young women have named participants in the abuse:

Democrat President Bill Clinton
Democrat Vice President Al Gore
Democrat Governor Bill Richardson
Democrat Security Adviser Sandy Berger
Democrat Cabinet Economic Adviser Larry Summers
Democrat Donors
Royalty from England and Saudi Arabia 

When Jeffery Epstein in the Palm Beach County jail, while serving 10 months, he was allowed to leave for 12 hours a day and then basically spend the night. 
He was allowed to go to his Palm Beach house and do whatever he was doing, ankle bracelet kind of thing, and then go back and spend the night in the jail.
Upon release from jail, he held a dinner party. 
Who attended?
Katie Couric - Democrat Media darling and supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton 
George Stephanopoulos - Democrat Media darling and Bill and Hillary Clinton supporter 
Chelsea Handler - Democrat Donor and Hollywood "Flatbacker"
Woody Allen - DemocratDonor and Hollywood Pedophile

Who were his friends?:

James Cayne - Democrat Donor and retired CEO Bear Sterns
Prince Andrews - British Royalty personal friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Sarah Ferguson - Democrat supporter and Duchess of York has debts paid off by Epstein.

Professor Lawrence Krauss - Democrat supporter and author of Quantum Man

We see that Jeffery Epstein's ownership of the Liberal Rich White Oligarchy extended, politics, education, media and entertainment!

AG Barr MUST pursue these people! We must have them exposed!

Harvey Weinstein's trial must be public and we must expose as many of the LIBERAL RICH WHITE OLIGARCHY for what they are.

Parasites and bottom feeders.