Tuesday, December 24, 2019

What part of “Leverage” do they not understand?

“Withholding the articles from the Senate gives Nancy
Pelosi leverage,” these absolute clowns tell us.

I don’t know how much more stupid a body can safely endure. But hopefully large doses of it are not fatal.  Because since the House voted on the two impeachment articles, we’ve been getting a heaping helping of stupid.

“Withholding the articles from the Senate gives Nancy Pelosi leverage,” these absolute clowns tell us.

And by “absolute clowns,” I mean people like, well, this guy:

What a clown.

When it comes to Michael Avenatti, I regret my personal vow to never use the word “retarded” as an insult.

What part of the word “leverage” do these nitwits not understand?

In order to get leverage over someone, you have to have something they want.

This is leverage:

I have something you want.
You have something I want.

This is not leverage:

I have something you don’t give a rip about.
You have something I want.

Even Nancy Pelosi is jumping on the “Oooh, do I have some great leverage” bandwagon.

If Nancy really believes she has Mitch McConnell right where she wants him, she really has gone around the bend.

The fact is, the House and the Senate are completely separate and autonomous.  Mitch McConnell cannot order Nancy Pelosi to run the House the way he wants.   And likewise, Nancy cannot demand Mitch McConnell run the Senate the way she wants.

And all her posturing and preening might make the news media quiver with orgasmic delight.  But at the end of the day, she has no actual power here.

Now, if she had leverage she could make up for that lack of power.  But the problem is she has no leverage because she has nothing McConnell wants.

Do these morons really think Mitch McConnell is quietly weeping into his coffee over Nancy’s boneheaded maneuver?

I watched his interview on Fox today, and it’s clear Mitch finds this whole silly charade amusing.

And yet nitwits like Avenatti and Nancy herself think they’ve got McConnell over a barrel.

These guys can’t be that stupid, can they?

Okay, Michael Avenatti is.

Now, it could be, as I’ve said before, that Nancy is completely clueless and as a result is letting big decisions get made by people who really shouldn’t be permitted to make decisions.

But you’d think Nancy is politically savvy enough to know that the longer impeachment stays in the news, the worse her party’s chances get.

Americans are tired of this partisan garbage.  And Nancy holding on to these articles only keeps impeachment in the forefront of the news.  And that is not a good thing for the Democrats leading in to 2020.

You’d think Nancy would want a swift resolution to this before it drags into the election season if for no other reason than to bank on the short term memory of voters.

Her hairbrained attempt at leverage could leverage her right out of the Speaker’s office.
Which is just what this idiot deserves.

By the way, Mark Levin had Ken Starr on Life, Liberty and Levin last night.  I watched the first segment at Fox News, and it’s well worth seeing if you haven’t yet.  Watch it HERE.