Thursday, December 12, 2019

“they don’t like us, that’s what this is all about”

Jim Jordan Delivers Remarks During House Impeachment Mark-up: “they don’t like us, that’s what this is all about”

Representative Jim Jordan recaps the history of the investigative targeting of President Trump and the malicious partisan political impeachment.  “They don’t like us”… “that’s why they want to get rid of us”… “that’s why they want to weaponize the government”…

You know why the entire apparatus is united against President Trump. You know why the corrupt Wall Street financial apparatus is united against President Trump. You know why every institutional department, every lobbyist, every K-Street dweller, every career legislative member, staffer, and the various downstream economic benefactors, including the corporate media, all of it – all the above, are united against Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is an existential threat to the existence of a corrupt DC system we have exposed to his disinfecting sunlight. Donald Trump is the existential threat to every entity who benefits from that corrupt and vile system.