Thursday, December 12, 2019

The REAL Person of the Year: Devin Nunes

Matt Palumbo reporting for Bongino

It’s been nearly two years since Devin Nunes’ explosive “Nunes Memo” was released, confirming that Christopher Steele’s dossier was used to justify surveillance of Carter Page. Nunes pointed to the FBI relying on flimsy evidence to justify the dossier’s credibility, giving credence to the theory that even they knew just how unreliable of a document it was. Nunes also highlighted Steele’s relationship with the DOJ’s Bruce Ohr – among other claims.

Everyone immediately denied the allegations in unison. Susan Rice said of Nunes claims, “I know nothing about this…I really don’t know to what Chairman Nunes was referring.” Nancy Pelosi slammed the “bogus” document, and Chuck Schumer slammed the “conspiracies.” Jake Clapper called the memo “explicitly partisan.” The pundit class was deliberately arrogant in their ignorance. The Nunes memo is a “joke and sham” said the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent.

And with the release of the IG report, we know they’re all wrong. As the report’s executive summary states: “We found that the FBI did not have information corroborating the specific allegations against Carter Page in Steele’s reporting when it relied upon his reports in the first FISA application or subsequent renewal applications.” Thirty-six pages of the report deal with Steele’s interactions with Bruce Ohr, who “circumvented his supervisors” and never notified them of his relationship with Steele. And speaking of Steele, the IG report confirms that there isn’t a single FISA warrant on Carter Page without citation to his dossier.

That’s just what we know so far – and Bill Barr promises that there’s much we still don’t know yet. US Attorney John Durham seems to indicate the same. Even more vindication is coming.

As for our dishonorable mention: Shameless Schiff is deserving of that.