Monday, December 23, 2019

The least relatable candidate ever

Now Liz gloms onto Star Wars to look relatable. You’d think Team Warren would stop hand-delivering meme material to the opposition.

When you are only 1/1024th authentic, it is probably inevitable that any attempts to look relatable fall flat.  And that’s Elizabeth Warren’s central problem.

She is, without a doubt the least relatable candidate ever.

I never thought it was possible, but Liz makes Hillary Clinton look like a Woman of the People.

Like when Liz drank a beer on Instagram in order to seem relatable to the beer-drinking normals.  Her awkward “from the bottle” sip revealed a woman far more comfortable ensconced in a wine cave sipping a rare, vintage ’79 Armagnac with her fellow elitists than someone who ever cracks open a cold one.

Kasich eating a pizza with a knife and fork looks more relatable than Liz drinking straight from the bottle.

Elizabeth Warren tries to appear relatable by glomming on to whatever pop culture phenomenon is currently trending.

But when Liz does it, it looks all manner of ridiculous.

For Pete’s sake, she doesn’t even know what a friggin’ “selfie” is.

And the latest Operation Look Relatable from Team Warren? Well, as Yoda would put it, “Cringworthy, it is.”

I gotta admit. The best thing about this painful tweet was reading through the replies.

Fact is, Americans are pretty good at spotting a phony.

Though to be fair, Thoroughly Unrelatable Liz doesn’t make it that difficult for us.  Her phoniness oozes off of her like BO.

Or, as one guy remarked on this tweet:

You’d think Team Warren would stop hand-delivering meme material to the opposition.

But they just can’t help themselves.

As I said a while back, Liz Warren suffers from an Authenticity Deficit.

This is Liz Warren’s single greatest problem. There is absolutely nothing about her that is genuine. Not one thing.

It isn’t just an authenticity deficit. She has zero authenticity. Zero. Nada.

She can’t even fake it.

Watching Liz flailing to appeal to Millennials always makes me think of the time Ethel Merman decided to release a disco album.

But for some reason, her campaign still insists on putting Liz in the awkward position of reminding everyone that she is painfully unrelatable.

Back in January, Jesse Kelly referred to Elizabeth Warren’s potential presidential run as “the Campaign of Cringe.”

And he wasn’t wrong.

The Cringe is strong in Liz Warren.