Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Old Suck-Up Joe

Does Quid Pro Joe think dangling a Supreme Court seat will be
just the trick to get Barack to endorse him?

Old Suck-up Joe is at it again, folks.  He’ll do or say anything to get Barack Obama to notice him.

I don’t believe for one nano-second that Joe told his BFF Barack not to endorse him.  It defies logic.  If suck-up Joe really didn’t want Obama’s endorsement, why would he be sucking up to him so hard?

Joe drops Barack’s name into every stump speech, every debate, every interview.  His entire campaign is built on his association with Barack Obama.

And all Joe’s name-dropping only amplifies the fact that to date, Barack still won’t endorse him.

So what’s a fella to do?

Well, Saturday in Iowa, a reporter asked old Suck-up Joe if he would consider nominating Barack Obama to the Supreme Court.


Who the hell knows.

There are so many other relevant, more pressing questions a reporter could ask Quid Pro Joe.

But, no.  Instead, he gets asked about nominating Barack Obama to the Supreme Court.

And what was Joe’s answer?

“If he’d take it, yes.”

What a suck-up.

He’s so desperate to get Obama’s endorsement that he’s falling back to his standard Quid Pro Quo.

“Endorse me and I’ll nominate you to the Supreme Court.”

Does Joe really think this is a tantalizing offer?

Right now, the Obamas are living large.  Both Barack and Michelle can travel the world getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to make a single speech.  They can jet off to a private island in the Pacific on some perpetual vacation.  And when they’re home, they can kick back and enjoy the view from their multi-million-dollar ocean-front mansion in Martha’s Vineyard.

A Supreme Court Justice would be several thousand steps down for Barack because a SCOTUS Justice wouldn’t be able to live like a playboy Saudi prince.

Let’s leave aside the fact that Obama has zero experience as a judge or even a law clerk — not to mention his ignorance of the Constitution.  Why on earth would Barack trade his jet-setting, celebrity lifestyle for the mundane drudgery of the Supreme Court?

I mean, come on, Joe. If you’re going to be a suck-up, at least suck-up by offering Barry something that would further enrich the wealthy, pampered lifestyle to which he’s become accustomed.

See if you can get your BFF a no-show “consulting” job with an Eastern European energy concern.  Though, since this is Barack Obama we’re talking about, you’ll need to find one that will pay more than $80K a month.

Maybe then, Barack will stop working behind the scenes to promote Liz Warren and finally give you the nod.