Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Noted Russian Agent Donald Trump Slaps Russia Around Again

Worst Russian asset ever.

You didn’t see it reported much outside of right-wing sources, but the President levied new sanctions on Russia last week. This forced the stoppage of a major pipeline that would have boosted revenues to the Kremlin. Here’s CNN’s Jake Tapper tweeting out the news. See if you notice anything.

BERLIN—U.S. sanctions have temporarily stopped the construction of a pipeline that is set to increase the flow of natural gas directly from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea.
The sanctions would target all businesses and individuals participating in the construction of the pipeline and would effectively cut off those companies from doing business in the U.S. or with U.S.-linked companies. Washington has long opposed the project on grounds that it would increase Germany’s and Europe’s dependence on Russian energy and boost revenues for the Kremlin.
The reason Tapper had to link to the Wall Street Journal is because CNN completely ignored the story. In fact, they spent the very same day pushing two stories that Trump wasn’t going to sanction Russia literally as he was signing new sanctions on Russia, just in case you were wondering how much of a garbage dump that network is.

Per The Blaze.
CNN’s nakedly partisan reporting may have sunk to new lows this week.
The news network ran, not just one, but two stories reporting that President Donald Trump is balking at sanctions targeting Russia for its 2016 election interference and annexation of Crimea. However, what CNN did not report is that the 45th president signed tough sanctions on Friday that target the Kremlin’s expansion into European oil markets.

There’s one other noteworthy aspect of this story. Namely, that our European “allies” were all in on this pipeline and dumping money into Putin’s pockets despite our objections. You’d think the fact that we pay for their defense would earn us a little goodwill in dictating whether they help enrich the very country we are trying to protect them from. But nah, as usual, the Europeans were willing to sell themselves to the highest bidder, or in this case, enter into a deal that might lower energy costs.

It’s amazing how Trump is always expected to bow before these people, never hurting their feelings or making demands of them, yet the Europeans are never expected to return the favor. This is why all the gnashing of teeth about treating our “allies” well is nonsense.

We should do what’s in the interests of the United States and nothing more. Those interests may include NATO at this point, but that shouldn’t preclude us from putting more pressure on the Europeans to stop playing both sides.