Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Norway Has The Answer To Climate Change

There is a Nordic country experiencing issues with its Liberal immigration policies. That country is seeing the following:

1. 80% of the immigrants in their country are on the states social welfare system.

2. 70% are unemployable.

3. The reasons they are unemployable is because: 
a. They are too old, 
b. They are uneducated, 
c. They are unskilled and 
d. They refuse to work.

This Nordic country is seeing huge increases in budget shortfalls, increasing costs, increasing crime and uneasiness from the actual citizens from this country.

This Nordic country's education system is failing the immigrants because they choose to not assimilate, they refuse to learn the Nordic language, they refuse to attend school and they demand the cirriculum be changed to a more regilous oriented one teaching the tennets of Islam.

What Nordic country is this? Well Norway of course.

So, what does this Norway's leadership decide to do to solve some of these issues?


That is correct, they ramp up oil production in the North Sea to provide more revenues to their state so they can fund their social programs and increase immigration of these undesirables.


Needless to say, Environmentalists in Norway and around the world are unhappy.

Who says Liberalism isn't a mental disorder?