Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Kabuki Theater in Washington DC Continues

By now we all have seen the comical collection of videos how the Lemmings in our Media scream "Historic" whenever some supposed bad news comes out about President Trump.

But let's examine something truly historic. Impeachment!

This goofy Professor predicted Impeachment on November 17, 2016. Eight days after election.

Maxine Waters - April 15, 2017, Two years and eight months ago.

Representative Al Greene - May 17, 2017, Two years and seven months ago.

Democrats have screamed impeachment almost daily since 3 am on November 9th in 2016.

For three years Democrats and the sycophant media has run the following reasons for Impeachment.

1. Emoluments.
2. Obstruction of Justice for Firing James Comey.
3. Obstruction of Justice for bad mouthing the Mueller Investigation.
3. Treason for colluding with Russia.
4. Obstruction of Justice for firing the Ukrainian Ambassador.
5. Lying to Congress
6. Obstruction of Congress.
7. Prid Pro Quo
8. Bribery
9. Caging Children at the Border.
10. Attacking the Press

Now, that is just 10 of the more than a hundred these clowns have been hawking.

So, what do these clowns in the Democratic party come up with?

1. Abuse of Power.
2. Obstruction of Congress.

Two nebulous accusations which are based on essentially, 

1. Hillary lost.
2. Trump is dismantling the Administrative State.
3. Trump is mean.
4. Trump won't treat them nice.

Democrats announce Impeachment and then hold a press conference about the Trade Bills getting ready to pass.


So, since the Midterm elections what has the Democrat Congress accomplished?

2 Articles of Impeachment!

God help us all for allowing these fools to be our leaders.