Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Impeachment has “greatly increased the likelihood” of Trump reelection and GOP retaking House

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) predicted Monday that it would be more difficult for House Democrats to remain in control of the House following passage of articles of impeachment against President Trump.

In a video tweeted Monday evening, the 2020 candidate for president wrote that Trump's chances of winning reelection had been "greatly increased" because of the House's vote.

"Unfortunately, the House impeachment of the president has greatly increased the likelihood Trump will remain the president for the next 5 years," Gabbard says in the video.

"We all know that Trump is not going to be found guilty by the U.S. Senate," she added.

The remarks are not the first Gabbard has made warning against Trump's impeachment. She made similar comments just days ago in New Hampshire, arguing that Trump's supporters would be emboldened by the House's move heading in to 2020.

"I think impeachment, unfortunately, will only further embolden Donald Trump, increase his support and the likelihood that he'll have a better shot at getting elected while also seeing the likelihood that the House will lose a lot of seats to Republicans," she told ABC News.

Gabbard was the only House Democrat to vote "present" earlier this month as the articles of impeachment passed the House.