Thursday, December 12, 2019

Impeachment Deeply Unpopular In Key Swing Congressional Districts

The Democrats’ latest attempts to undo the results of the 2016 election are not going over well with voters in several key congressional swing districts across the country.

According to new polling from Fabrizio Lee and Associates, freshman Democratic Rep. Xochitl Torres Small in New Mexico’s 2nd congressional district and Rep. Matt Cartwright in Pennsylvania’s 8th are both in trouble as Democrats leap forward with impeachment.

Clear majorities of voters in both Democratic districts said their representatives ought to oppose the House articles of impeachment and said they would be less likely to support his or her bid for re-election if they voted to impeach the president.

Fifty-six percent of voters opposed impeachment while 41 percent supported the measure in Small’s New Mexico district while 53 percent of voters opposed the articles versus 44 percent who supported them in Cartwright’s Pennsylvania district.

Both districts are home to a majority of Democrats, holding a slight edge in New Mexico’s 2nd with 40 percent of voters Democrat and 39 percent Republican. The difference is far greater in Pennsylvania’s 8th where 50 percent are Democrats and only 38 percent are Republican.

Strong majorities of voters in each district reported that regardless of their  own views on impeachment, that lowering prescription drug costs, passing a new trade deal, and fixing the nation’s crumbling infrastructure were far more important than Congress’ impeachment efforts in a head-to-head match-up.

The poll was conducted Dec. 8-9 and interviewed 300 likely general election voters who were randomly selected from lists of registered voters across the two districts using landline and cell phone surveys with a +/-5.66 percent margin of error.

The results are likely to heighten anxieties among Democrats about how their latest gamble on impeachment to oust the democratically elected president will cost them the House majority, repeating a similar “Kavanaugh Effect” in 2018 where the malicious treatment of now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh kept them from flipping control of the Senate.

Democrats failed to move public opinion on impeachment in any significant way following four weeks of public hearings to make their case to the American people that proved nothing but exoneration for the president from their own witnesses.

A new poll from Monmouth released Wednesday reveals that a majority of the American public remain opposed to impeachment by nearly the same margin as they did prior to the hearings. According to Monmouth, voters oppose impeachment 50-45 percent, outside of the survey’s +/-3.3 percent margin of error.