Sunday, December 22, 2019

If We Had A Real FBI, This Would Be The Greatest Money Laundering Scandal Of Our Time

For FY 2019, America has spent 30.4 billion dollars to countries around the world for Foreign Assistance. This Foreign Assistance is defined in 9 categories:

Peace and Security - 2.7 billion dollars
Health - 7.4 billion dollars
Humaniterian Efforts 7.1 billion dollars
Multi-sector (undefined or multiple categories) 3.5 billion dollars
Economic Development 3.0 billion dollars
Human Rights 1.7 billion dollars
Program Management 3.1 billion dollars (99% of that is administrative costs)
Education and Social Services 1.4 billion dollars
Environmental .5 billion dollars

Here is how our brillant Bureaucratic Illuminati will explain Foreign Assistance to the regular tax payer:

Foreign assistance is aid given by the United States to other countries to support global peace, security, and development efforts, as well as to provide humanitarian relief during times of crisis.

The U.S. government provides foreign assistance because it is strategically, economically, and morally imperative for the United States and vital to U.S. national security.

It is interesting to note since President Trump has taken over, this spent dollar volume has decreased by an over all amount more than 10%. 

In other words he is trying to get Congress to cut their voracious appetite to feed the world the American Taxpayers hard earned money.

Now folks, let's look at one example:

Ukraine FY2015, our government shows the following budgetary records:

Requested by Ukraine: $140 million
Appropriated by Congress: $350 million
Obligated by Congress: $206 million
Spent by Ukraine: $169 million

Hmm........ Creepy UncleJoe Biden says he refused to give them the "Billion dollars unless they fire the prosecutor"

How did Ukraine spend the $160 million in 2015?

Peace and Security - 48 million dollars
Health - 22 million dollars
Humaniterian Efforts - 13 million dollars
Multi-sector (undefined or multiple categories) - 19 million dollars
Economic Development - 19 million dollars
Human Rights - 22 million dollars
Program Management - 15 million dollars
Education and Social Services - .2 million dollars
Environmental - 2 million dollars

The first question that should come to mind is what happened to the 1 Billion dollars supposedly appropriated for Ukraine?

How much has Ukrainian Oligarchs donated to the Clinton Foundation?

The Wall Street Journal reported in 2015 that between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. 

It appears Mr. Pinchuk donated less that amount of $8.6 million previously from 2008 to 2013 in 2015 but totals can not be ascertained from the foundations records.

It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. 

He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.

It should be noted Mr. Pinchuk is an influencal member of the Atlantic Council  a think tank in DC that donates to any Democrat entities and helps fund Crowdstrike who proved Russia hacked our 2016 election for the DNC.

Smell that yet?............

Now we all know how this works, American politicians appropriate funds to Foreign Assistance,the funds are deposited along with credit guarantees in that countries banking system. That money flowsto the appropriate "connected" individuals, like Mr. Pinchuk.

Mr. Pinchuk gets a $50 million dollar five year contract from his government and he donates $5 million to the Clinton Foundation. Other lessor powerful Ukrainian Oligarchs write contracts to democrat advocacy and legal groups in DC.

So, Ukraine gets $160 million, doles out $50 million and those oligarchs pay off Democrat Politiicans $10 million,

Now multiply that program by the 130 counties were are doling out Foreign Assistance to and you have a great little money laundering scheme legalized by Political entities.

This my friends is why DC is aswamp filled with Advocacy, Non-Profits, Lawyers and or course the slimey politicians.

President Trump istrying to do two things:

1. Slow down the rape of the American Taxpayer.
2. Help America keep more of her money.

That my friends is why the Entrenched Bureaucracy hate the man and must destroy him.