Monday, December 30, 2019

I know my son, He is a man of integrity!

When asked about issues concerning Hunter Biden by the press, Joe Biden said, "There is nothing to this, I know my son, He is a man of Integrity!"
Prescott police reports describe how a cocaine pipe that authorities determined was used to smoke cocaine was found in a rental car returned to an Arizona Hertz location in the middle of the night. 
Also found inside the vehicle, a white powdery substance determined to be cocaine.
Further, found in the vehicle were several personal effects of Hunter Biden, then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son, like two of his DC driver’s licenses, multiple credit cards, and personally identifying information like a Delaware Attorney General badge and a U.S. Secret Service business card that police said bore his name, all found inside a wallet.
Hunter Biden, according to the police report, had rented the vehicle from a location in California with the intent to return it to the Prescott, Arizona, location, where it was discovered the morning after it was dropped off with the drug paraphernalia and Hunter Biden’s personal effects inside.
Prescott police made numerous attempts to contact Hunter Biden to no avail. a "Mr. McGee" spoke to police and essentially gave them the run around. 
Finally the Secret Service contacted Prescott police to inform them Hunter had been located and was OK.
The local prosecutor in Prescott said, We will not pursue this further........
Let's see;
1. 2013 -  Hunter Biden is booted from the Naval Reserves for testing postive for cocaine use.
2. 2015 -  Beau Biden, Hunter's older brother dies, less than a year after he dies, Hunter starts dating his dead brothers wife, while cheating on his wife.
3. 2016 -  Hunter starts taking graft from Ukraine in the form of a boardship on the most corrupt company in Ukraine, Burisma.
4. 2016 - Hunter travels with daddy, Creepy Uncle Joe to China and comes back with a great deal of money.  
5. 2017 -  Hunter divorces his wife she stated he wasted tremedous amounts of money on "prostitutes, cocaine and strip joints"
6. 2018 - Hunter accepts the DNA test results of a stripper suing him for failure to pay child support for his child.
7. 2018 -  Hunter moves to California, buys a $2 million dollar home to live with his current girlfriend, tells the court in Arkansas he can not pay child support because he is broke.
Meanwhile his new girlfriend is pregnant with the cocaine addled Hunter Biden's baby, a man of integrity!