Saturday, December 21, 2019

I guess it’s only half an asterisk (Cake batter isn't a cake)

“Trump’s presidency will have forevermore have an asterisk” they told us. But if the House never sends the articles to the Senate, it’s more like half an asterisk.

After the Democrats voted on their two lame articles of impeachment, CNN talking heads excitedly exclaimed that from here on out, President Trump’s name will be followed by an asterisk.

To wit: President Donald Trump*

*Impeached on December 18, 2019.

Yes, my friends.  It will be the only thing people remember about the Trump Presidency – that asterisk.

So yesterday, after I got done shoveling snow, I was upstairs changing out of my snow shoveling clothes, and I got to thinking about Nancy’s grand plan not to send the articles over to the Senate for the trial.

And I wondered.  If they never follow through on the impeachment process, is President Trump actually impeached?

I mean, if you take all the time to make cake batter but never bother putting it in the oven to bake – let alone frost and decorate it.  It isn’t a cake.

Hmmm.  It was definitely something to think about.

Well, a few hours later as I was resting my Lupus body post-snow shoveling, I went onto Twitter and I saw this tweet.

I couldn’t believe it.  This nerdy “legal expert” called by Jerry Nadler must have read my mind.  In Bloomberg, he makes exactly the argument I was noodling out.

Nancy’s “solemn” impeachment is just cake batter.

They’ve only done half the work.

So I guess Trump’s name only gets half an asterisk.

Or, perhaps he still gets a full asterisk, but the asterisk will be decidedly different.

To wit: President Donald Trump*

*The first President to almost be impeached, but the House didn’t finish the job.

Seems confusing, does it not?

I mean, this isn’t even a half-baked impeachment.

After all the drama and Kabuki, the Democrats aren’t bothering to put the cake in the oven.

Surely Nancy can explain the thinking behind this, right?

Okay, that was probably expecting too much of Nancy.
She herself isn’t a lawyer after all.

But that’s what you get when you listen to idiots like CNN’s Larry Tribe.

It’s hilarious, is it not, that talking heads on cable actually think this comedy of errors will result in a “black mark” on Trump’s Presidency?

Is it possible that Nancy never intended to actually go through with this?

After all, this shampeachment was played out solely for the benefit of the news media.  And the House voting was all they needed to plaster their front pages with screaming headlines reading “IMPEACHED.”

It was a made-for-TV impeachment – full of phony sets, non-functioning props and a whole lot of bad acting.

The Democrats only needed to give the impression they impeached President Trump.  The media will happily do the rest.

So if there is an asterisk after President Trump’s name, I really don’t think the Democrats or the news media are going to like what that asterisk points to.

To wit: President Donald Trump*

* First US President to be subjected to a phony, made-for-TV
“impeachment” that wasn’t really an impeachment.

Nancy really screwed the pooch when she decided to pursue this. And the longer she let this go on, the more obvious it is that her decision was a poor one.