Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Dems Are Telling the Truth: The Impeachment Is Not Political – It’s Spiritual

 Article by Clint Fargeau in "RedState":

Don’t tell the Democrats, but they inadvertently let the truth slip out again.

Nancy Pelosi told CNN confabulator Jack Tapper a little while back:

This [impeachment] isn’t about politics at all. This is about patriotism. It’s not about partisanship. It’s about honoring our oath of office.

Quite a few conservatives have characterized these and similar comments from Democratic lawmakers as poorly-concealed misdirection. But I have little doubt Pelosi believes what she’s saying.

The impeachment of President Trump is not about politics. For Democrats, the impeachment amounts to a new-age spiritual crusade, a cleansing of Evil in the White House. Really, Democratic lawmakers are impeaching the president on latter-day pseudo-moral considerations, not legal ones.

To understand how much the United States has changed since the founding, consider what Alexis de Tocqueville wrote when he arrived in 1835 to study our young nation:

The religious atmosphere of the country was the first thing that struck me upon arrival in the United States … In France I had seen the sprits of religion and of freedom almost always marching in opposite directions. In America, I found them intimately linked together in joint reign over the same land … America is still the place where the Christian religion has kept the greatest real power over men’s souls; and nothing better demonstrates how useful and natural it is to man, since the country where it now has widest sway is both the most enlightened and the freest.

If you don’t recognize the United States Tocqueville describes … welcome to the party.

Tocqueville thought that the separation between the Christian churches and the state was essential to America’s success. The government was explicitly forbidden from interfering with the churches by establishing an exclusive state religion. Christian religious leaders in the United States for their part refrained from assuming political office or interfering in political matters, content to bolster the morals of their voting congregants.

This separation has broken down in a way the Founders would have found unforeseeable. Progressives in the Legislative and Judicial Branches have conflated the government and pagan spiritualism. They have fought Christian religious observance in schools and government institutions and instead allowed naturism (which they mislabel “science”) and spiritualism (which they mislabel “kindness,” and “reason”) to seize mainstream thought and dictate public decision making.

Thus schools may teach children to believe we are killing Mother Earth and a climate apocalypse is nigh; that white people are born with a guilty aura for the sins of their forefathers; or that a fat spirit and his flying magic deer are going to leave them gifts at the Winter Solstice (called X-miss).

But we may not under pain of administrative obliteration teach them about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; or that the laws of a world to come require them to practice charity and forgiveness of one another.

John Adams wrote: “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” If Adams’s assertion about the Constitution–which he helped *write*–is correct, then our government must necessarily degrade as Christian religion and morals degrade.

Tocqueville seemed to agree: “Despotism may be able to do without faith; but freedom cannot.” Without a robust religious and moral structure to both unite and restrain them, a freed people will run amok.

And that’s where we are. Americans have lots and lots of laws–probably too many laws–but no moral structure to make those laws meaningful or intelligible. We bicker and obsess about the meaning of “high crimes and misdemeanors” and “obstruction” to keep from facing the truth: Americans are separated by a chasm when it comes to their moral understanding of the world.

 Image result for cartoons about dems losing impeachment