Saturday, December 21, 2019

Democrats - REALLY?

In the year 2019 we saw the following:

1. The Russian Collusion Delusion proved to be a doctored agenda by the Democrat Party.

2. Robert Mueller releases his two tear investigation and announces Trump and his campaign did not collude with Russia.

3.Horowitz Report reveals that specific SeniorFBI and DOJ officials lied and doctored evidence about Russian Collusion.

4. It is proven that in the two and a half years our Main Stream media has issued over 2,000 false stories about Trump.

5. In later testimony from Horowitz it becomes obvious that the problems of illegal activities by the FBI and DOJ go deeper that many thought.

6. We saw all 20 Democrat candidates for President raise their hand and say they will five free education and healthcare to all Illegals in America.

7. We saw 3 major Political Donors, Weinstein, Epstein and Buck, arrested for Pedophilia, Rape and Murder.

8. In the Pedophile's home a painting is discovered of Bill Clinton wearing a Blue dress and Red Highheels.

9. The Democrats finally grow enough balls to draft ridiculous Articles of Impeachment and vote to impeach President Trump.

10. Tide Pod Nancy decides to hold the Articles of Impeachment rather thansend them over tothe Senate because Mitch McConnell refuses to follow the same insane actions of the House.

Now we start to hear rumors that Durham is investigating criminal activities conducted by Senior FBI, CIA and DOJ officials.

One has to wonder, how can anyone take any Democrat serious. What kind of deep seated insanity or perhaps absolute ignorance makes a Democrat?

What kind of people vote and support Pedophiles, Rapists, Murderers and Seditionists?