Monday, December 9, 2019

Creepy Uncle Joe will be getting some more questions next week.

Interesting legal wranglings in Arkansas going on now over Hunter Biden and his baby mama stripper. The interesting points in this Daily Mail article are:

  • The mother of Hunter Biden's baby has demanded that he admit he was employed as a board member for Burisma in the Ukraine  
  • She also demands that he admit how much he was compensated on a monthly basis in new court documents.
  • The new filing contains 47 requests for admission by Biden, most of which are redacted in some way
  • It includes six requested related to Biden's income taxes for the years 2013 through 2018
  • Also today, Biden requested a judge to deny Lunden Roberts' request for him to pay her $11,000 in legal bills.
  • The 49-year-old filed papers on Monday in Independence County, Arkansas
  • Roberts, 28, filed a paternity suit against Biden in May, claiming he was the father of her 16-month-old child
  • The two met while Roberts worked at a strip club in Washington D.C. 
  • The most recent filing comes a week after a judge demanded for both Biden and Roberts to hand over five years of their financial records
  • Biden will have to reveal the amount he made while controversially sitting on the board of an Ukrainian oil company.

So in a few weeks we may get to see how much drug addled Hunter made in the job his Daddy got him.