Thursday, December 12, 2019

'Conservative Squad' forms to combat socialism: 'This is not your grandfather's GOP anymore'

Article by Julia Musto from "Fox News":

Four female conservative congressional candidates have banded together in a "conservative squad" to combat Democratic socialist candidates across the United States.

In a previous interview on "Fox & Friends," Alabama congressional candidate Jessica Taylor called for a new generation of conservatives to counteract the ideology of Democratic socialists like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar.

Then, in a campaign video for her candidacy, Taylor said that she was "sick of arrogant socialists like AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez), who've never even run a lemonade stand, trying to tell us how to live in Alabama and that more government is the answer."

On Thursday, Taylor joined "Fox & Friends" once again with a newly formed "conservative squad," made up of Minnesota congressional candidate Michelle Fischbach, South Carolina congressional candidate Nancy Mace, and Texas congressional candidate Beth Van Duyne.

"This is about bringing the conservative message to the people of the United States," said Fischbach. "So that people understand that we're looking at do-nothing Democrats. They are obsessing about impeachment and not really doing anything for the people of the United States anymore."

Mace said that their initiative is about the American dream.

"The Democrats, they have taken a sharp left turn under the influence of the socialist squad. And, you look at us and this is socialism versus the American values of freedom and job creation. And, we all understand up here today that people flourish under freedom. And, 2020 next year is pivotal for our country," said Mace.

"We see so many women across the country right now, Republican women, who are picking up the mantle and want to serve," she told Earhardt.

"I look right now and we really do have a Congress that is run by extremists," said Van Duyne. "And, it's dangerous for America because they are really not doing anything."

She said Democrats are not bringing forth solutions on "out-of-control health care costs," the border crisis – including drug trafficking and human smuggling – and improving the nation's "crumbling" infrastructure.

"Instead, all we have seen is a focus on impeachment and it is political theater. And, that's at a cost to public policy."
Mace added that she sees a lot of momentum across the country – including among younger Americans – for the message against socialism, saying "this is not your grandfather's GOP anymore."
Image result for picture of Jessica Taylor, Michelle Fischbach, Nancy Mace and Beth Van Duyne
Image result for picture of Jessica Taylor, Michelle Fischbach, Nancy Mace and Beth Van Duyne