Monday, December 9, 2019

Bill Barr Gives the Real Bottom Line About the DOJ IG Report

 Article by Streiff in "RedState":

The DOJ IG report is out and all in all I think Horowitz did a detailed job of examining the inner workings of the FBI and Department of Justice in tracing the genesis of Crossfire Hurricane from a handful of bizarre rumors of doubtful provenance into what I view as a scheme to depose an lawfully elected president.

One of the the thing that Horowitz is crystal clear about is that the FBI fell far short of its duties and responsibilities in the investigation of the Trump campaign and that Department of Justice was simply not up to the task of managing the investigation on those occasions when the FBI even let them know what was going on. To say the least, Attorney General Bill Barr is not a happy man:

We an argue until the cows come home about all manner of trivia but the big picture is this: the FISA Court was lied to by the FBI. It was lied to knowingly and through negligence. Key leaders who were responsible for pushing the FISA warrant through on Carter Page were either pig ignorant of their legal responsibilities or they chose to ignore those responsibilities because they knew what FBI headquarters wanted done. None of this is a good look and I hope that Barr lights a fire under FBI Director Wray and makes him fix what is broken.