Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Anyone Want To Tell Me What Democrats Are Good For?

We had some kind of an out of control shooting in Jersey City. Seems 5 or 6 are dead, 2 of the shooters were killed 1 missing.

Media and Liberals immediately start talking about gun control. See the idiot post by Shannon Watts:

Can someone let Shannon Watts know that New Jersey has all the gun laws Democrats say they want nationally, a Dem Governor and Jersey City has had entirely Democrat mayors since 1917 except in 2001? The NRA doesn’t run NJ, Democrats do and their laws don’t stop mass shootings.

It sounds like it was a drug bust gone bad, it may be terrorism, we will eventually find out.

Meanwhile, the disgusting Liberals, our Media and Democrats will Scream Gun Control.

Never mind none of their current gun laws in Jersey City prevented this tragedy.

Vote Republican, Re-elect Trump, give Republicans the House, Senate and White House so we can put a stop to the insanity of Liberalism.