Thursday, December 26, 2019

Another Spy Inside The Trump Campaign Is Identified

p.s. - The Horowitz Report Continues to be a Source of Information, NOT Exoneration.

Source Identified – IG FISA Report Identifies One Confidential Human Source Leading to Audit of FBI Activity

Throughout the 478-page IG report on FBI FISA misconduct there are several mentions of Confidential Human Sources (CHSs) who were either officially “tasked” or unofficially involved in the 2016 FBI investigation of the Trump campaign.
The inspector general review of the CHS activity is fraught with examples of the FBI denying many of the numerous “non-tasked” sources were acting in an official capacity.

The inspector general’s office knowing the FBI were lacking candor is one thing; however, proving that is another matter entirely.  The ‘having to take them at their word‘ dynamic appears throughout the chapters on the use of Confidential Human Sources.

Horowitz report shows the level of denial and justification by FBI officials in Washington DC surrounding the deployment of human sources stretches credulity. It really is quite something to take the totality of the FBI denials, for repeated and specific events, place them all together and then determine all of this is just random, happenstance activity.

Despite FBI denials, perhaps because of them; and despite the IG not being able to find specific evidence that would refute their denials; the IG found far too many coincidences for all of the activity to be coincidental.  This led to Inspector General Horowitz writing a break-out report on just the use of Confidential Human Sources [Nov. 19, 2019].

CTH has identified another key “non-tasked” (their claim) CHS that appears to have been the final straw for Horowitz amid a mountain of FBI denials.  The FBI claims around this specific person is what eventually led to the November 19th, 2019, break out report.

[NOTE: I am identifying these redacted individuals and sources because there is a bigger issue at stake.  There is growing evidence of an ongoing battle within the current FBI.  One side wants to push out the truth, the other side is intent on hiding it.]

Continuing from yesterday…. we turn to page #338.  This one is key, and please don’t skip the actual reading of the highlighted pages below (even if you have to read multiple times).

Keep in mind, the issues around this specific source was the final straw for Inspector General Horowitz to decide to do the breakout report on FBI standards and practices for the use of confidential human sources.

Footnote #476 is part of the puzzle to id this source.  Notice the handling agent was contacted in October 2016 for assistance “serving a court order”.  Notice also that footnote #476 pertains to a later contact in “March 2017”.  There’s a very specific source who has openly discussed these events in the media.

The descriptions of the “Handling Agent”, “Case Agent”, and “Co-Case Handling Agent” are specific, purposeful and useful.  However, it is the tell-word “hobby” that finally outlines the identification of this Confidential Human Source….  The CHS has self-described using this exact word in media appearances.

These senior FBI official denials are where it gets ridiculous.  These denials are the straw that led to the November 19th report.   Notice how these denials actually contradict the material in/around fn #476 where FBI main office was informed of the activity surrounding this CHS.

[Note specifics, it helps to confirm the id] James Comey, Bill Priestap and Peter Strzok all deny knowing what this confidential human source was doing….

The source is Patrick Byrne.

You might remember when CTH originally outlined the FBI methods Patrick Byrne was describing we specifically noted the form of contact and instruction was created with built-in plausible deniability.   Now we see that denial in action.


You can follow the link to watch all of Byrnes’ interviews.  There is no doubt the CHS described (starting on page #338 of the report) is him.

I believe Patrick Byrne.

I do not believe the DC-based FBI denials of knowledge.

…neither does Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

…hence Horowitz wrote the IG report on CHS issues.
♦ Final thought: To the FBI person(s) inside the machine trying to break out the truth…. just keep doing what you are doing.  CTH can see it.