Monday, November 25, 2019

Majority Concerned That Trump Opponents ‘Will Resort To Violence’

Steven Ahle commentary on a Daily Wire article
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own 
and do not necessarily represent the views of David Harris Jr.

A poll taken by Rasmussen finds that people fear violence if President Trump is impeached and removed from office.

But, very telling is the fact that even Democrats believe that violence will come from the left and not from conservatives.

The poll questioned 1,000 individuals between November 18th and November 19th.

The survey asked, “How concerned are you that President Trump’s impeachment and removal from office will lead to violence?”

In that poll, 53% said they were concerned with 24% saying they were very concerned.

A second question asked, “How concerned are you that those opposed to President Trump’s policies will resort to violence?”

59% said they were concerned, and 34% said they were very concerned. And even Democrats agree that the violence is more likely to come from the left than from the right by a 40% to 18% majority.

Since Donald Trump ran for president, there have been over 700 incidents of violence committed by leftists against conservatives.

If President Trump is reelected, you can expect those numbers to skyrocket out of control.

They have proven that if they can’t win at the ballot box, they are willing to defy the law and commit acts of terrorism in an effort to scare voters into going along with them.

When asked about the likelihood of a new “civil war” occurring within “the next five years,” 31% of respondents said that such a scenario is likely. 9% said it was “very likely.”

Awareness of political aggression and politically-motivated violence seems to have moved to the forefront of America’s collective consciousness.

According to a Pew Research survey conducted in April and May, 85% of respondents believe that the “nature of political debate … has become more negative in recent years.”

An October 2018 survey conducted by McLaughlin & Associates on “800 full-time undergraduates” found that a significant number of students believe that violence is justified as a preventative measure against “hate speech.”