Sunday, November 24, 2019

Kamala and the Bedsheet Backdrop

From oodles of cash and an army of donors to holding campaign events in front of a bedsheet backdrop — Kamala has fallen on hard times.
Lots of folks have been posting this video of Kamala Harris going all tin-pot dictator on drug companies.  And I get it.  It really is some eye-opening, dictatorial crap she’s peddling. But the thing about the video that struck me was just how low-budget everything is.  Kamala must be out of campaign cash if she has to settle for a bedsheet backdrop.

Apropos of nothing, really, but does the audio make her sound like she had one too many cocktail on the way to this event?
But just look at that stage.  Between the bedsheet backdrop, the tinny audio, the dark, looming shadows and piss-poor lighting, Kamala is either running for student body president or is auditioning for her own show on public access.
Like Wayne’s World – only without Garth.
Yeah, yeah.  I get it.
The more disturbing thing about that video is what Kamala is saying.
But I had to watch that clip three times before I could pay attention to what she was saying because the audio, lighting, bedsheet backdrop and gloomy shadows were distracting me.
It wasn’t that long ago, Kamala’s campaign had enough hard cash they could buy her a friggin’ bus.

Yup.  From a spiffy, logoed bus to a bedsheet backdrop in three months.
I mean, my how the mighty have fallen.
The other day, Kamala claimed the reason her polling sucks is because she lacks name recognition.
You know, unlike the guy polling at the top in Iowa — that mayor of South Bend who, up until a few months ago, nobody ever heard of. Yup. He’s got loads of name recognition — even though nobody knows how to pronounce his name.
Who the hell knows?
So if I’m to understand her claim, when her poll numbers skyrocketed after her infamous “that little girl was me” moment of the first debate, suddenly all those people who supported her woke up one morning and said, “Kamala who?”
It isn’t a lack of name recognition that drove her polling into the toilet.  In fact it’s probably the opposite.  The more people got to know Kamala “the Great Dictator” Harris, they less they liked her.
And it certainly isn’t the lack of name recognition that has driven Kamala from glitzy staging to a bedsheet backdrop.
Instead, it’s the lack of cold, hard cash.
Donors who went all-in on Kamala a year ago dropped her like a hot rock.
If the only thing you have going for you is the financial backing of wealthy, connected donors, when the donations dry up what are you left with?
Strip away all the glitz and glamor of a well-funded campaign, and Kamala has nothing to offer.
She’s not charismatic.
She’s not compelling or exciting.
She flip-flops more than Kirsten Gillibrand.
And despite her years of locking people up, she can’t hold an audience captive to save her life.
When you add to that her tendency to lean toward authoritarian dictates and government overreach, it doesn’t surprise me at all that her campaign is floundering.
Honestly, I just do not understand why Kamala is still in this race.  Maybe it’s time for her to fold up her bedsheet backdrop, hop in her fancy bus and toddle on back to DC.