Monday, November 25, 2019

Hypocrisy At Its Finest

Brian Stelter talks about Trump and his followers acting like a cult. 

New book says there is a 'cult of Trump'

Steven Hassan, a cult expert with firsthand experience escaping the Unification Church, says Trump's cultivation of his base is cult-like. Brian Stelter questions the claims in Hassan's new book, "The Cult of Trump," and Hassan stresses the importance of "contact outside the bubble."

Fat Boy Stelter babbles about a cult of Trump, in fact he even used that pathetic Scaramuchi to babble such nonsense.

But who really had a cult? Did children sing about Trump like Obama?

This is the kind of stuff we see in North Korea. School Teachers indoctrinating small children to sing praises to the "Dear Leader"

Hell, when Clinton was in Reporter's wished they could give Bill blow jobs or having sex with him.

Liberals and their Democrat followers are vile people worthy of eradication.